My words have once again hit print in the London Free Press. Click here for a peek at the softer, happier side of my literary world.
A happy day indeed.
1 day ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Hmmm...that's a tough, yet inevitable conversation. If I ever have kids, I dread having to explain to them the unexplainable. You know, God, sex, death and Santa Claus...but not necessarily in that order.
Carmi - thanks for the link to the article. It means a lot to me, especially in light of losing our beloved cat four short weeks ago. My kids took it really well, but I think that's because we don't know if she died or found a new family. We all miss her, though. :)
Trillian: I'm glad to see the sadness of Sally's disappearance has been somewhat muted by your new arrivals. Life's like that, I guess: always changing.
Janet: I'm sticking with the stork story as long as I possibly can. We don't celebrate Christmas, which makes Santa an even more intriguing explanation every holiday season.
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