London is home to a fair number of hot air balloons. On any given morning, you may very well see one of these giants of the sky floating over your neighborhood. While the physics are easy to understand, the magic of standing in one place while one silently cruises past is difficult to describe. I wrote about one particularly fun encounter here.
Every summer, the city hosts a major balloon festival during which mass launches are held each morning and evening. I grabbed this image around dinnertime a few years back just as the balloon was being inflated. As we slog through the most depressing time of the year, a little shot of color likely won't hurt our collective mood.
How are you dealing with the mid-winter doldrums?
1 day ago
I'm trying to beat the winter doldrums by finding the beauty in the winter. Taking lots of pictures and taking your advice by looking for the beauty in the everyday. So - thank you for your advice. It's helping. Oh, taking pictures of flowers at the grocery helps too. And probably the prescription the doctor gave me a few months ago.
Hope you have a great day!
I'd like to say that I beat down the winter doldrums by getting out and enjoying the weather by skiing, snowshoeing, etc., but the fact is, I mostly curl up in the fetal position under my desk and weep while listening to "Dark Side of the Moon". Afterwards, I read the obituaries and cross the names out of the phonebook.
Carmi, this one beats the disks! :) I adore watching hot air balloons (wanted a ride in one for my 25th, I recall, never got it...bummer) and I will re-read this one throughout the day, looking at that picture every time. Thanks!
I usd to live in Alaska, a place that makes mid-winter doldrums a serious issue. Ever since leaving I haven't really suffered from mid-winter doldrums.
Oooh, I just can't wait for summer...every time the sun comes out from behind that everpresent cloud cover I practically jump for joy. It's amazing how intuned our spirits can be to the weather. I think if it were sunny and frigid year round I could handle it better than these dreary, dreary days.
Today is a sunny day in Seattle, and I am smiling my face off.
Ahhhhh...mid-winter doldrums? I've been able to take the convertible out and drive around with the top down for a couple of weeks. We've been sunny and in the 60's. Now, I'll be whining about how hot the freaking summer will be, but after winters in North Dakota and Ohio, I am really loving this California winter scene :)
Beautiful! I've never taken a hot air balloon ride - I'm sure it must be amazing!
We've been luck enough here in Wyoming to have a few unseasonably warm days when I've been able to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Lately it's been cold and windy, though, so we just hunker down with some movies and try to keep the kids entertained. I can't wait for spring!
I can't wait for warmer weather---the prospect of actually leaving the house without having to bundle myself and the children into multiple layers, plus boots, is pretty enticing. Just a few more months, I say to myself...
I allow fellow bloggers to bring color and light into my mid-winter world, and nudge me to conjure up memories of special days.
And you have duly inspired me: Here is my hot air balloon post.
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