Sunday, February 18, 2007

Caption This 6

Please name this image [See below for the lowdown on this weekly feature]
London, Ontario, February 2007 [Click to enlarge]

Welcome to another chapter in the new Written Inc. adventure known as Caption This. If you're new to the game, please click here to read the first entry, or here to see all Caption This-labelled entries to-date.

Long story short, every Sunday, I post a picture and ask my readers to come up with the most appropriate - or crazy, whatever - caption for it. I announce the winner the following Sunday, at which point I post a new photo as well. It's great fun.

Last week's photo of an abandoned storefront on a bleak downtown street attracted a lot of attention, and I'd like to thank you all for your creativity. I had great fun sifting through the submissions, and in the end chose Mike's phrase:
"Ghost Town of the Modern Day."
Mike Althouse is a California-based journalist whose words and images are always thoughtfully composed and packaged. If you haven't read him, click here and let him know I say hi.

Your turn: I hope you'll put on your creativity hats and come up with a catchy phrase for this week's image. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Just saying hi

Michelle sent me.... :)

Anonymous said...

It is a gut reaction to the photo so there is my submission to the cartion contest.
Thank you for your kind words at my blog.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

"Do you want my profile?" the dog asked the phtographer.

Michele sent me here.

Anonymous said...

Too bad I can't type this morning. It should have this is my submission to the CAPTION contest.

Michael K. Althouse said...

I won? Wow, thanks Carmi, but there were so many other great suggestions. I appreciate it and your kind words too. Unfortunately I don't have anything for this weeks edition... yet. I took a couple of peeks before it came to me last week as well. I'm off to go do some research (and hopefully get some good pictures downtown), I'll have another look this afternoon.


Bobkat said...

'Just Like My Heart'. As it looks like it is glass, or maybe ice and would be so easy to break.

Michele sent me to admire your cool photo and as ever I am taken by the boldness of your images.

Michael K. Althouse said...

Back again from Michele's this time... But now I'm late! Gotta run...


Carli N. Wendell said...


Sorry, not feeling very creative. Feeling like going out in the freezing cold to run errands. Ick. But I have a coupon for a free ice cream shake. And even though it's -freezing outside, I think I'm gonna get it. I mean, free shake, right?

Mellie Helen said...

I would caption it: The Glassy Stare. This, because it appears to me that, in the bottom "bell" of the drinking part of the glass, two dark eyes peer out; and, in the top of the stem yawns a dark "O" shape. The combination of the two seem to be almost a Munsch-esque face trapped in silica; perhaps a foreshadowing of the effects felt when too much of the proffered liquid is imbibed.

awareness said...

I think I'm going to have to get my mind out of the gutter before I suggest a caption for this....


how about.......

"late night last call......"

Anonymous said...

Wow -- these guys are creative! The first thing, albeit a bit weak, is "Glass Vortex." It's just the first thing that came to mind when I looked at the photo.

Happy Sunday from Michele's!

Anonymous said...

Champagne moments as fragile as the glass.

Great shot!

sari said...

Frozen minotaur, caught in the act of an icy sip from the winter river.

Rainbow dreams said...

'Where the genie lives'

Thank you for visiting - am catching up now I'm back

Pat said...

Not a champagne flute!
Michele sent me

Michael K. Althouse said...

"Someone get me outta here!"


Anonymous said...

Hi Cami,
I love this picture. I'm gonna say the first thing that came to me"

"Visions through vodka, realizations from intoxication."

It's kind of sad. I visualize a person sitting at a bar. Both arms on the bar with their head down resting on one of them. They are thus looking up somewhat at their empty glass. Kind of profound when ones comes to this point and all they have left is this beautiful empty glass to reflect their lives through.

Great Job.


Anna said...

Like your winner Mike, I too am going to have to think on this a bit Carmi...neat shot though...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I am glad to hear from you and love visiting here. You are also very right that we seem to be of similiar mind with photography...

Have a great week...I will be back!

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

I am about as creative as a brick (my favorite saying LOL) but the thing that comes to mind for me is:

"Spirit in a Glass"

Anonymous said...

My stem for a Etude Pinot Noir Carneros 2000!

Anonymous said...

A devilish dunk drowned in sorrow.

GiuCe said...

i like the details of the things... you have great pics!

greetings from Trujillo-Peru

Anonymous said...

Nice pic, Carmi! It's been so long since I've visited you!

Hope you will drop by for a slice soon!


kenju said...

Carmi, I kid you not, the first thing I thought of was a schematic of the female reproductive system. So, I will title it:

"Marian loved being a woman so much she had her womb memorialized in glass".

awareness said...

Can I vote?? Judy's offer! hands down...........she nailed it :)

That was a good laugh.....

bluemountainmama said...

"through a glass dimly"

Anonymous said...

Good to the last drop...

Gyrobo said...

"Poseidon's Glacial Scepter"

Corey Bienert said...


I've been gone for a weekend...and i've missed all this amazing photography.

keep up the good work.

this stuff is brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Worried alien, with horns.

Anna said...

Ok Carmi, I was fully intending on leaving a caption here but I saw Judy's and threw in the towel...I am still laughing at it...

AWESOME Judy...I love the way your mind works!

Michael K. Althouse said...

I'm with Anne, I vote for Judy!


Sara said...

not sure where I came up with this one since it doesn't seem to fit in with what everyone else sees, looks like a bull & a martini glass both so I thought of:
The bull in a crystal shop

VinceL said...

Hey Carmi,

The fluid flying out like horns - reminds me of the skull image commonly associated with Death Valley.

How about?
"The Demon in the Drink"
"Death Valley Drink"

Sorry if that's a bit morbid :)


kenju said...

Thanks to everyone who voted for my caption! I had forgotten about it, and I enjyed coming back to read everyone else's comments.