Monday, March 10, 2025

Rubber once again meets road - and sun

Racing the setting sun
London, ON
March 2025
This photo originally shared on Instagram

I’ve had this running joke with my wife for much of the winter: I’ll look out the snow- and ice-covered window first thing in the morning and sardonically tell her, “Today will not be a cycling day.”

I have huge admiration for the community of frost bikers who ride through the winter, and I’m not afraid to admit that I’m not among them. I’m good through the other three seasons, but winter frightens me.

So yesterday was a big day in our little corner of the world as I rolled the bike back out and took my first ride of the year.

It wasn’t a long one, and I promise you no speed records were set. But that’s not why I ride, anyway.

I ride for moments like this one, where a dozen angry Canadian Geese are screaming to my right as I race the setting sun home. So I stop on the muddy shoulder and watch them do their thing. Of course the moment calls for some spontaneous photography because moments like that are always calling to me.

Soon enough the geese fly away - never mess with Canadians - and I get back to spinning the pedals, my cheeks turning near-numb in the deepening cold.

As I roll into our driveway, my wife is watching from the front door. She smiles as I tell her my streak of not-a-cycling-day days has finally come to an end.

If I’m lucky, there will be more cycling days ahead, moments where the only things that matter are sunsets, squawking geese, and the basic laws of physics that make temporary escapes from a difficult world possible.

To the outside world it looks like a simple bike ride. I promise it’s much more than that.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #hydepark #sunset #cycling #firstride #pink #bicycle #instabike #photography #apple #iphone #iphone16 #shotoniphone

The first ride, April 2019

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