I took this picture of Noah on our now-famous (well, for us, anyway) boardwalk walk through the wetlands (click here and here for my earlier entries on this.) What the picture does not capture is my immense feeling of fatigue after having to carry said little man from the absolute furthest spot on the boardwalk to a really distant portable bathroom beside the parking lot.
He picked that moment, when we were furthest from land, to inform me that he had to pee. Of course, I couldn't have him simply wiz over the side - that's kind of a no-no in a protected, ecologically-fragile area. So I scooped and ran, breathlessly asking people to make way as I desperately tried to get to the magical loo.
When we were done, I slowly walked back with him to meet the rest of the family as they made their way back. Before they got there, I captured him here. As I took the picture, a complete stranger passed us and oohed and aahed over him. "He's soooo cute," exuded she as she slowly walked past and stared at him. Noah smiled shyly in agreement, and another memory was made.
In those few quiet minutes while we waited to meet up with everyone, we chatted about alligators and how they wouldn't make decent housepets. I stopped at every sign and read each one to him. Even though they were technically meant for adults, I turned each one into a story, and he was enthralled. It was a really brief slice of time, and I wish there were more of them.

The smallest moments make the most lasting memories sometimes. My husband and I lived in Georgia for 4 years, and I have many nice memories of those boardwalks through the swampland. Someday I'd like to make some more with my kids.
Noah is *so* cute - what a precious smile!! Granted I've never seen a picture of his mom, but I do have to say he looks an awful lot like his daddy!!
adorable photo.
I'm glad you're teaching him that alligators don't make very good pets. Many people do not appear to realize this fact, as it seems that there are always reports of someone keeping them in bathtubs...
He is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations, papa.
If we ever have another child (unlikely) and it is a boy, I would like to name him Noah. I love that name.
It's no wonder strangers ooh and aah. He's gorgeous.
Thanks for your comment :)
He is super-cute. He must take after his dad! Photos are such a wonderful way to bring back memories.
He is absolutely adorable. I love his eyes. And leave it to our children to pick the most inoportune of times to have to go to the bathroom. That was a wonderful story. I love how you shared a story about each of the signs. What a great idea.
Oh my goodness, that boy is a double of his dad! Lucky little chap!
Ah, the Florida wetlands - makes me nostalgic. I grew up in the suburbs of southwest Florida, surrounded by wetlands, orange groves, and the occasional alligator.
The best memories are always of small things!
My friends and I are planning to do a road trip to FL in the not too distant future, I shall have to read those posts as a form of preparation.
Thanks muchly for visiting my blog, and your son IS quite adorable. :)
Im having Deja Vu, because I have probably walked that same walk on those nature walks. Being "from" Florida. he he he
I love your desire to be "present" it is one of your "Greatest Gifts!!"
Your children have a wonderful father, and mother. maybe we should meet the other half of your formation team !!!
What a sweetheart! I love the name Noah. Great post:-)
Thanks for stopping by over the weekend.
It may have been a "realy brief slice of time" but you will cherish it always.:)
What a beautiful boy! A lovely look at a father's heart!
Sounds like a great time was had by all. He is a doll. Enjoy every moment and keep making those priceless memories.
What a cutie pie!
I think that is part of what makes a great parent. Just pausing for a while to really communicate with your child, even over what could be considered mundane things.
Although in your case, it sounded like you were talking about some very cool things!
Everything I could say has been said. But I will add that Noah is so blessed to have such a caring, attentive Daddy. He is going to be a heartbreaker!
How adorable!!!
Oh and yes they always choose their moments.. like just when you load the trolley full of gorceries at the supermarket!
Noah is such a handsome boy!
With absolutely no prejudice - as I am the other half of this parenting duo, I have to say that Noah is absolutely adorable with a personality to match.
If my memory serves me correct, just as you returned from the bathroom or portapotty as the case may be, I had to run with Dahlia and Zach. Of course they didn't have to go when you took Noah just 15 minutes before! :-)
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