Most folks I know look at a rainy, gray day and think it's depressing. I'd rather look at a day like this and see the fact that it paints everything in a different, more sombre light. It isn't more sad than a sunny day. Nor is it justification for barricading myself inside until the clouds go away. It's just different, and new.
Photographically, I find the possibilities fascinating. Leaves would look bare without perfectly formed droplets of water scattered across their surface. Likewise, windows would be empty expanses of slick nothingness if not for the residue of a light morning rainshower. It's what I was thankful for as I noticed what was left on the windows of our minivan while we loaded the kids in for the trip home.
The water no doubt evaporated by the time we hit the highway onramp. But I look forward to the next rainstorm, because what it leaves behind will no doubt be worth capturing - again.
Your turn: Rainy gray days: good, bad, or indifferent? Why?
1 day ago
good if i can stay in, drink coffe all day and play with the kids. All of us in our jammies all day just hanging out by the fire.
bad if i have a ton of errands to run with all the kids.
I love rainy grey days. I prefer weather that invokes in me more diverse, bittersweet emotions. Sunny days are bo-ring. In fact, Summer is my least favourite season. If you live in Ontario, then you know how bloody hot and humid this summer has been. The rains have been a blessed relief. Can't wait for Fall and Winter.....sigh...
I love thunderstorms, when the rain pours out of the sky in buckets. With this summer being as painfully humid as it has been the rain is a very welcome event.
I always enjoy your photos and your 'food for thought' questions. I love rainy days. I like the sound of rain and the excuse I have to stay home and do nothing!
Stopped by on my own today, and so glad that I did!
Have a great day!
Rainy Days are wonderful - inspiring. The earth opens up to drink in nourishment and the skies are cleaned of noxious fumes, if only for a few moments. Plus, they come with music - the sound of water droplets hitting the roof, the ground. I love rainy days.
Hi Carmi, rain is cool (literally and figuratively :-) ). Nice picture!
I love rainy days! My favorite thing to do in the rain is sleep. My next favorite thing is to do . . .stuff :D
I have mixed feelings over rainy days. When I lived in England it would really bring me down after several in a row. In Texas, it was such a welcome rarity. Now in Ohio, it's been good to cool things off, but keeps the kids inside, so I'd say it's a toss up!
LOVE the picture.
Rainy days remind me of how protected and safe I am. I love blustery, grey days.
Good sometimes: spring drizzle, summer storms, autumn mist, snowfall, when I'm indoors and don't have to go out. Bad other times, especially when there are too many in a row (like buffi said). I'm a sun bunny; sunshine always lifts my mood, although rain doesn't always dampen it.
And now today it's rainging, quite heavily in fact, with dashes of thunder.
Ahhh... luverly.
You're such a silver lining person,
I'm jealous. Unfortunately sometimes rainy days and Mondays really do get me down.:(
I dunno about rainy, but overcast is the best for colour photography. The best is a solid but fairly thin overcast. Try photographing people when it's like that, and admire the smoothness of the light.
Very nice image. It reminds me of a painting... and to remember to look for the negative space as well as the positive space that it supports.
Good if I can take the day off and hole up in the house with work or practicing the violin (which is always at the very, very bottom of my list but is always calling to me). Good if it pours torrentially so I can wade into the stream that appears across my back yard. Good if the garden needs water.
Bad if we were playing an outdoor wedding and the bride is going to be sulky. Bad last weekend when I was going to get a welding lesson from a friend, but you can't weld in the house.
Michele sent me!
Rainy days can be beautiful. I love getting photos right after a good rain. The droplets of rain on a flower look amazing.
Oh and Hello, Michele sent me :)
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