11 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
All water scenes seem to bring me peace.
It brings peace because it is outside... the boat on the edge makes me think of upcoming adventure... the unknown of what is to happen sets the mind free!
i think of drowning, but thats just me! LOL!
like the pics on your blog, cool :)
It's very peaceful. The still waters, the static image of the boat....even though the diagonal lines of the rock usually make one think of dynamism - it is calm. I like it.
I'm with daisy...being by water always brings me peace. Wonderful composition...
It definitely has a peaceful vibe to it. I guess it's the water.
We solitudinous creative types need our alone time to survive.
I think for family gatherings, etc., someone should write the script for the part everyone usually plays and switch it up! Then people would see how they really are and wouldn't it be just hilarious?!?!? ;-)
Very peaceful and calm. I want to sit in that boat out in that water.
I'm not sure why, but it doesn't bring me peace. I think it's the blue scatchy boat?
But I'm glad it brought you peace. :)
I find the beach whenever my heart is sore. Boats, too, suggest adventure and new beginnings to me.
Your photos are incredible, Carmi! It seems no matter the subject, you are able to give a different view of it.
Peace and I find one another along a shoreline. I love the reflections, and how the shoreline constantly changes.
This is beautiful shot Carmi. The blue is stunning against the grey rock.
Oh, I like this! I love the color on that boat!
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