Palm Beach, Florida
December 2007
[Click to embiggen]
When I'm taking photos of animals, I'm a complete sucker when they stare right back at my lens.
As I composed this shot, I feared he would lunge right at me if I stuck around any longer. So I tucked my camera away and headed back to my waiting - and ever-patient - family.
I got to meet this amazing bird at the Palm Beach Zoo. (Other zoo scenes are here, here and here.) I think there are more trips to the zoo in my future. Who says they're just for kids?
Your turn: Your favorite zoo animal is a...? Why?
One more thing: Caption This submissions are still being accepted. Click here and see what all the fuss is about. And if you want to see the next freaky-animal picture from my lens, click here.
"And whooooo might you be?"
ok, that was lame :(
What a great picture! Happy WW!
Beautiful picture! I can't think of my favourite zoo animal...Possibly the polar bear (we have a purple one in the zoo of Mendoza in Argentina, check it out!).
Another animal I love is the 'mara' the Patagonian version of the hare. They are very cute, and the Buenos Aires zoo is full of them.
Thanks for dropping by, have a great WW!
My post: Vrooom!.
Oh yes good owl shot I agree w/ what you said-0-I have on in Sept fromt he State Fair bird show
"Don't f*ck with me"
I have an animal up this week too:
The Weekly Muse
Awesome shot! I can't pick just one zoo resident. I like our otters and penguins. They're cute and playful. And the big cats are graceful and amazing.
Happy WW!
Mine's up at
Fantastic photo, but also a little scary. I've never thought of owls as intimidating before.
That is an amazing shot of a very intimidating creature!
I don't think zoos are just for kids, either. My hubby and I actually have a zoo membership - and no kids. :)
That owl is fiercely beautiful, but very scary looking. You were smart to leave.
Your took an excellent photo.
I love the tiger. The meticulous beauty and artistry and color of that animal is just beyond compare.
Great shot as always, although he didn't find it amusing! haven't been to the zoo in a long while. But I pictured animals this week too.
Happy WW!
If LOOKS COULD KILL! LOL :) Nice photo as always!
My favorite animal changes often, but the tiger reigns supreme in my list! Panthers are second!
Very menacing stare! Happy WW!
Owls have such beautiful eyes. This photo really brings out their color. Great capture.
Great horned. There are two that roost up the creek that I walk.
wow...great shot
My WW : Paris
That is lucky shot.
My WW : Bali
Just how close were you, Carmi? Me thinks you might've used your trusty telephoto on this one!
Pandas. Big cats (White Bengals if they have 'em). Monkeys. Elephants.
Everything else.
Great shot!! I got a great shot of a tiger jumping over the another as they played while waiting for their evening meal to be delivered.
Beautiful shot but boy does he looked pissed! :-P
My favorite zoo animals are the monkeys. Love the monkeys.
wow look at those eyes! awesome picture!
That's a great shot. And my favorite are the wolves or the elephants.
You can find my all-time favorite beast here:
Great shot, my kids are going to love it.
Happy WW
That's cool! I love it!
That's a great shot!!
"Killer Look"
that's my caption. hehe! ;)
hope you can check out my WW entry HERE
awwww this is a great shot...nice one. Happy WW
La Vida es Hermosa
My So Called Life
Great shot of an owl, his stare is incredibly intense.
Hmm my favorite zoo animal? Probably the crocodilians. They are such impressive creatures but I sure wouldn't want to get to close to one in the wild!
you must be a pro photographer huh? nice capture friend!
Out of Words
Hi Carmi!
Yes, I would say you were wise to feel nervous, he's definitely giving you the evil eye. Wonderful capture, as usual!
Write From Karen
What a great capture! (as always) It's so fun to come and see what you've been up to.
I love wildlife and wildlife picture. Come visit my picture at
Amazing shot! I'm glad you didn't leave before you got it. Owl are such great birds. I'd be real excited to see one in the wild...
Cool shot! :) I really like it!
This is cool! I love owls....
That is an awesome shot!
happy WW!
That is FIERCE Carmi! I am posting more bowling pics this week...check them out.
Now that's a glare! And not from the lens. :D Just how close were you?
Wow, awesome picture! He looks like he wants to lunge! Happy WW! Mine's up at
nice picture. My favorite is the ring tailed lemur. They are really interesting animals. I had an opportunity years ago to go out to lemur island at The Zoo, Gulf Breeze, Florida and feed them. One sat on my shoulder while I fed her grapes.
Wonderful photo!
I love the polar bears... the way they move, swim, play... but yet they can mean business, too!
Oh... and otters... I love otters, too.
That is an awesome shot!! My favorite zoo animal is the little Tamarin! It's just so stinkin' cute!! Happy WW!
Love that shot! Great job!
Carmi, that is a great shot. The owl is beautiful and his stare is so intent.
Happy WW
Thats'a scary lookin' owl. Great shot! Happy WW!
OMW That is an absolutely brilliant shot!
Go ahead. Make my day!
Oh my! What a great shot! It looks like you could reach out and touch him!
Great photo! It appears as though the owl is daring anyone to move.
That's a beautiful picture.
My favorite zoo animal are the penguins.
wicked cool picture of that owl!
I love it, Carmi!
My favorite Zoo animal to see up close is the Lion. They're just so majestic and powerful...even more so when you actually see them up close in real life and not just on TV.
Oh... I love this!
thats a fabulous shot...
we just visited Jersey zoo and saw some amazing animals at risk of extinction...a real priviledge to be able to see them living freely - some without any enclosure because they are territorial which was fantastic. I don't have a favourite - or at least not right at this moment! I'm being very erratic at blogging at the moment too! good to visit again, x
Ooooohhhhh....he looks mean / mad....well, no wonder,
I would be too
if I were cooped up in a zoo.
Great shot!
Whoa...this one gives me the willies. Great capture Carmi..
OH! I have always had a soft spot for owls. What a gorgeous picture!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words. I hope you find yourself there for more than just WWs!
Great shot. Very intimidating. :) Happy WW!
What a stunning capture. I love it when animals look straight at the camera too. And the wilder the animal the more amazing it is.
I love the tigers in the zoos. I've always been amazed by how pretty they are. Even the one I got a picture of answering the "call of nature" once.
That stare is intimidating! He could be a major league pitcher!
What an amazing shot! Wow!!
Our Happy Happenings
Livin' With Me
I like your photos! Thanks for visiting TeaReads.
What a great owl shot! Thanks for visiting TeaReads!
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