11 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
heehee.. That would be Donkey from Shrek! I lose points though, because I can't remember the exact scene or situation when he says it... But that movie plays so often in the background at my house, that I knew it immediately.. lol...
and WOW... those look SO good. We're all invited for breakfast, right?
I have no clue of the movie, but can I come over for breakfast. I like my waffles with real maple syrup and danish butter melting over the top. Ymmmmmm.
Darn, i thought it was Bill Murray, when he gave the girl the "Aunt Jemima" treatment on the stove. heh heh.
Oh how I love waffles... well, breakfast food in general really!
Michele sent me :)
I have to know this quote it is from one of Andrews movies LOL
Shrek and it is when he moves himself into Shreks place despite the not so subtle hits from Shrek he doesn't want him there,
Dang now I WANT waffles !
Michele sent me ( glad you have a new post up lol)
"We'll stay up late swapping manly stories, and the the morning, I'm making waffles!"
Donkey from Shrek when he's begging to stay in Shrek's cottage.
You have a really good picture of those waffles! They look do tasty, yummy and real! Since i do design and advertising, I do a lot of work in collaboration with food photographers and food stylists. I must say, if you did food shots for some of my projects, you'll get really good reviews from my clients :-)
OK the quote thing is easy...
And the picture was just plain unfair. I can get plenty of waffles in the middle of night, but good waffles are few and far between.
Shame on you...
Those do look luscious! I am a waffle-whiffer, for sure. Do you remember that commercial?
Michele sent me again, Carmi.
Oh YUM!! I LOVE waffles... and I might just have to make them in the morning... well I would if it wasn't the dh's birthday. He'll want eggs and potatoes ;) Maybe I will make both!!
Stopping by via Michele to say Hello!
Okay, I am coming up there and when I arrive I fully expect a plate of waffles waiting for me!!!
Here via Michele's!
no idea what movie, but those waffles look divine
Here from Michele's
It never crossed my mind about the memory card! I think our local little store could handle that purchase. Sometimes, well, most times, I get too focused on one thing. It usually takes someone to knock me upside the head to expand my thinking. Thanks!!!
Oh man...you know how long it's been since I had real waffles? Like THIRTY years!I kid you not...last time I had the real dea my mom made them. Me, I just pop a cardboard one in the toaster. But ohhhhhh now I want one, and I actually feel guilty because I have never made them for my own son!
:::ponders buyin a waffle iron:::
No clue whatesoever...And I'm here NOT from Michele, this A.M. dear Carmi...(lol)
I would love to taste some waffles that are homemade, FROM SCRATCH! YAAAAAY!
I have no clue of the movie...Don't really watch any but the food looks great.
From Michele's
thems look likes some goooood waffles!
Back again...please pass the butter and syrup.
YUM!!!! Especially since we DID just have Eggos a little while ago. Yours look much, much better...
Here via michele!
No idea on the movie, but can I have some waffles?
those look scrumptious! and darn, some people already beat me on the shrek answer...:)
waffles look good. Nice picture of them too. Often it is difficult to capture how good something looks on the plate. You did good with that shot.
Hellooooo...Shrek! Mmmmm...those look GREAT! Mmmm, no breakfast here either. Can I come over! JK.
Happy Sunday. Here via Michele's!
I don't know ..but man I am hungry now ..My mouth is watering...mmmmmmmmm those look sinfull
Eddie Murphy from the Shrek?
Think I'll have that for brunch today!
doh! I'm late for breakfast! Any waffles left???
Dang it.... Now I want breakfast! And I just ate lunch....
Michele says howdy BTW
LOL I would know that line in my sleep. When shrek first came out, my son was 4 years old. And he was addicted to that movie. Playing it on repeat about 20 times a day every day for about 3 months. I know the lines better than the voice actors did. And with that being said, I never want to ever be reminded of that movie ever again!
LOL But those waffles look soooooo yummy!!!! Michele sent me today!
Mmmm waffles. I think I should go make some waffles and watch Shrek to cheer me up. Thanks for your encouraging comments by the way. They are much appreciated beleive me.
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