Mornings are far from my favorite time of day. If it were up to me, I'd stay in bed until long after the alarm clock stopped trying to outsnooze me. It's not that I don't enjoy waking up to a house filled with buzzing voices of folks who look shockingly like me. It's not that I don't appreciate hearing the flutter of feet on carpet before our kids fling themselves into bed with us in a happiness-filled drive to wake Mommy and Daddy up.
I simply like being in bed. It's all warm and cozy and safe, unlike the world that I'm going to have to face once I've finished with the cereal bowl.
And what about that cereal bowl? When I was a kid, we always got to have a sweet cereal alongside a plain one. So I'd mix Frosted Flakes and Rice Krispies, or Captain Crunch and Cheerios. Now that I'm supposedly grown up, I've become partial to oatmeal. I enjoy the ritual of boiling the water, then mixing in just the right amount of milk as I sit down for a first glimpse of the morning paper. It extends that feeling of comfort for just a few more minutes before I have to leave the house and kickstart my day.
But oatmeal doesn't shoot well. It's as visually interesting as, well, oatmeal. So I thought I'd haul out the Honeycomb box and try my hand at something reminiscent of my - and our kids' - childhood.
Your turn: What gets you out of the house in the morning?