It had to happen sooner or later: I was destined to speak about the new Sony Playstation 3 - aka the PS3 - with a journalist. That day came yesterday when I chatted with CFRA's Rob Snow about the latest must-have toy for the gamer set.
Long story short, here's what I think about video games: waste of time. And here's what I think about the doofii who wait for hours outside big box stores, hoping to be the first on their block to have one of the coveted devices: losers. Or, as William Shatner said to the Star Trek convention attendees on a now-classic Saturday Night Live sketch: "Get a life."
CFRA is a radio station in Ottawa, Ontario. The city is Canada's capital, and is also the core of a fairly dense sector of high tech development. Rob covers the business markets there, and occasionally speaks to me on topics of interest to the tech/business community.
I've added yesterday's interview to my podcast channel. I've got two interviews posted there now (see this entry for the intro to my crazy podcasting experiment) and will post more as they are available online. If you're really keen, you can subscribe to my feed here. CFRA has also posted the MP3 file here.
Your turn: My position on video games...agree or disagree? Why/why not?
One more thing: The Associated Press is reporting waiting line violence at a number of PS3 campout sites across the U.S. Like I said, moronic.
1 day ago
I agree with you. My kids never had any of these and for that I am very glad! They played outside and invented stuff and used their imaginations.
Fabulous sunrise pic!
Hi from Michele's!
I do agree, Carmi. I saw something on our newcast about it this morning, and the people who camped out for 2-3 days in order to be assured of getting one. One guy even paid someone $1000 to wait in the line for him, and when he bought it, his bill was over a thousand, with accessories. What a dunce!
Michele sent me.
(stepping cautiously towards to the comment box because Michele sent me but maybe I should go to another of your posts?)
What do I think...? You certainly don't mince words.
I'm not a gamer but can you see how It's exciting when something new in your hobby comes out and you get jazzed.
People are getting in shoving matches in line or something? Maybe someone needs to get over there and do busking to amuse the restless people?
Carmi, would you hate me if you knew that I actually slept outside of a Best Buy back when PS2 was released? It's true. It was the only thing that my son wanted for his birthday and a friend of mine (and his godmother) was kind enough to hang out with me. Yeah it was weird, stupid, uncomfortable and a little scary. But being a hero in the eyes of a 13 year old? Priceless. I'm just thankful that PS2 was released in October - much warmer!
Oops, Michele sent me. Forgot to mention that.
I totally agree. I've wasted many an hour and even day playing video games. Finally, in the past few years, I've given them up. They make me dizzy. They are a huge energy drain, and they're addictive. And you can't really multi-task while playing. The only thing sadder is the profiteers waiting in line so they can sell their PS3s on EBAY for $3,000.
Just because something is a waste of time doesn't mean it isn't fun. And if it's fun, then you could probably argue that it's a good use of time.
waste of time, yes... and now more than ever, waste of money! it's sickening! oh yeah, hello, Michele sent me! :)
I agree Carmi. My kids do have Gameboys but generally only play them on long road trips. They are more into the educational games, strategy type games, or things they find on Disney Channel or the like. I do think the whole frenzie is rather overkill.
Video games drive me nuts. Yes, we do have an X-Box, but in order to play it, my son has to really earn it. And I mean, pick up dog doo, do his laundry, good report at school all week, homework, etc. And then, for an hour on Saturday, he can play either Spongebob or Madagascar. It's too easy to get sucked into those things, and I want my kids to be a little more productive than "woo hoo, level 273!"
Here from Michele's this time
The funny thing is that most of the people sleeping outside for these things are adults, who haven't really grown up. Strange.
Michele sent me back here Carmi. Hope you're having a good day.
Hi Carmi, Here via Michele's but also because you I wnated to thank you for the kind comments you left on my blog about the short video piece. I love the pics on your blog.
I understand business men in Japan were getting homeless people to buy PS3's so that they could sell them on at a profit!
I agree with you. My son never had a PlayStation and doesn't seem to be socially or emotionally damaged...he does play video games, though, which aren't constructive and are a waste of time just as much as the other ones.
Here via Michele's this evening
Carmi, I totally agree with you!! Did you use the L-word during your interview?? not sure I could be that brave....I do have to admit, after swearing to never allow video games into my t.v-free, homeschooling house, we did get my son a used game cube last year. I totally caved, he is our only boy and I was getting embarrassed over how intensely he needed to play his cousin's and friends when we were over their houses. I still hate it. Try to monitor it. and I would never stand in a line to get anything game related.
Jenny in Ca
I've never been much of a PC gamer, except for a gratuitous few minutes as a social thing. You know, with someone else racing a car, or in an arcade where you can race fullsize digital motocycles against one another.
But I can also understand waiting in line to get something for a loved one.
And hiya - here today via Michele's!
I totally don't get the entire video game thing...nor those who choose to sit in line all night or hurt others to get one.
I disagree, but only because saying they are a waste of time is a blanket statement.
There are plenty of studies that show video games keep brain and coordination skills active and sharp, and even keep kids hands out of the fridge after school. Dr. Mehmet Oz (Columbia) even mentions that.
I tend to favor moderation in all things.
Interesting topic.
Michele says hi!
I agree! It all seems kind of crazy to me, but then, I have never been one to play a lot of games...Well, a few on my computer that I guess would be considered solitair-type games...but it's more for relaxation and not competitive....All those people standing/sitting/sleeping on line for DAYS.....Like, why? Is it to resaell them and make money???
I saw some of the violence on this morning....Well, too each his own! (lol)
I held off with the video game thing for a LONG time with my son. Then, last year, I gave in and bought him an x-box with the caveat that he had to invite friends over to play. (He tends to be a loner)
He has done that, a little, but more often than not it has turned into a sore point and something we fight about.
On the other hand, you know I'm a SIMS2 fanatic so I can hardly talk...
But waiting to buy just about ANYTHING? Ridiculous. Thankfully my kids never "had to have" anything like that...Beanie Babies, Hess Trucks, Tickle Me Elmo, etc. Not that it would have mattered. There's no way.
Here via michele!
complete waste of time. but then again, I'm awfully good at wasting time
I liked the original simple video games like Pacman. Nothing involved or violent. I can't figure out why parents are buying these things and spending all that money on them. It's horrid.
Saying Hi from Michele's
I don't mind a video game now and then. But to camp out waiting in line? To spend that kind of cash? Not a chance.
Oh, very nice to know the plural for 'dufus'. :)
i have a PC game that i play often. it is a distraction from life, for me. when i am stressed, stuck or bored, the game offers a playful distraction. i bore of it soon, and back to life i go.
it does seem that the millions spent on electronic games could be better placed elsewhere.
Here from Michele's today.
I totally agree with you. Totally nuts and the stupidity that just drips from these peoples mouths just amazes me.
We do have an xbox, one that was a gift and I'm the only one that plays it, and that's occasionally. The kids rarely get to play with it and most of the time they rather be outside. My Honey plays it once in a while but he doesn't have much time on his days off.
Michele sent me. I gotta say I agree wholeheartedly. About 4 years ago I bought the hubby a used playstation - no 2 or 3 attached to it - and a few sports games. He enjoys it for an hour once a month or two and that's good enough for us. I can't see going nuts over the latest incarnation. I do enjoy come electronic games, though. My mom has pogo and every so often I log in to her account and enjoy a quick game of bookworm or wordwhomp....
But wait in line and pay 3 times as much? Noooo way!
Oh say, I know you love photos. Well, my last two entries are filled with them, so I hope you'll stop by!
The violence is appalling, Carmi. The evening news told about men trying to rob people who were in line for the Playstations. Like sitting ducks, they were.
Michele sent me back.
Camping overnight for a game station--questionable sanity.
Paying $2000 for it on eBay, which some people are doing--stupid beyond belief.
But video games themselves aren't necessarily a waste of time; they're entertainment, no worse than watching a TV show, reading a magazine or comic book...or blogging.
Heck, studies show that people who platyed video games as kids have better hand-eye coordination. Kids who exceled at those games made the transition to certain tech jobs (especially in the military) quite easily.
Anything is a waste of time if you spend too much time at it, at the expense of other things. I don't find video games to be any worse than sitting here reading other peoples' blogs, and writing for my own.
I do agree, Carmi. I remember being addicted to Ms. PacMan. I played it so much while I was in school that I gave myself "PacMan Wrist"! Waiting in line for ANYTHING that you can get a week later without waiting seem totally silly to me. I'm going to have to listen to your Podcast. Is it on iTunes? I'll go check it out now!
Woo wee...and they cost something like $500. It seems kids and people are spoiled and addicted to novelty to me. I heard on TV that someone got shot for one of these! We didn't even have a TV for several years when my kids were little! michele sent me.
I'm with you on the games, (though I admit a fairly heavy Atari 2600 addiction in my youth & some cell phone-Tetris & computer majong solitaire use currently) But the idea of spending that much money on something just to play with seems crazy to me. My ex was supposed to have brought my younger kids an old x-box he had when he came to visit last spring & he forgot it, I was not sorry at all!
Thanks for coming by my blog (Both times!)
We can't go backwards - we will never get rid of these things - but I do think it's important for kids to learn to use their imaginations first. When they become so important that people will wait in line, and even fight over them, it's a bit worrying. Getting jazzed over something new in your hobby? Well there's my great new sewing machine - but I thought it over, I didn't queue for it or fight over it.
On the other hand, when I was a child, I had to wait for a birthday if I wanted whatever the latest craze was - hula hoops, knuckle bones or whatever - and by the time I got it everyone had moved on to something else! It's pretty hard to make your kids different from all their friends. Moderation, as one of hte other commenters said, is the key.
Here from Michele's.
Moronic? Maybe. What I find even more crazy is that some folks are buying them for $600 then selling them on Ebay. A recent PS3 auction closed at over $4300. What's wrong with people? Oh, and to answer your question, video games ARE a big waste of time. Agree because I've seen my DH waste TOO much time in front of them. Just droppin' by to say hi!
I agree with you about the video games. Waste of time. Does not stimulate the imagination of our kids. They miss out on the adventures of a classic book. No wonder there is a rash of obesity in kids... they don't run and play outside. Video games produce couch potatoes by the time they are ten. What a racket!
Here from Michele this time.
Now it's plain CRIME going on. Someone held up three kids at gunpoint after they left the store with their new PlayStations. What an absolute illustration of how depraved people are today. "Stupidity" is running rampant..... Please people.... go to the library, READ A BOOK!!!
totally agree. Theres better things to be done.
i do think that or game system saves my sanity on the 40th day of 110+ degree heat though .
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