Saturday, November 18, 2006

Revealing faucet

Click the image above for the full-resolution version. Take a few moments to explore the results: lots going on all over the place.

I've written previously about how, in the absence of anything else to do during those quiet times in a hotel room, I have been known to take pictures of the faucets and other things in the bathroom, and I'll likely do it again if given the chance.

This image stunned me when I first previewed it on my camera. The multiple reflections revealed something new every time I came back to it. The black and white-based contrast made the chrome stand out even more than it would have had I shot it in color. It is images like this that make me glad I broke the bank to bring home a camera that allows me to shoot like this.

Your turn: What are you seeing in this picture? Do you like this one?


Moogie said...

Wow! I never realized that a photo of a faucet could be so interesting, and I'm NOT being sarastic. I love all of the reflections on this. You captured it beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Like it? I love it!

Wow. The clarity is so amazing, and you can see so far in the reflection that shows so many different angles. Do I see a briefcase reflected in the faucet? I can't figure out what it is on the water knob, but it reminds me of the mushrooms in Fantasia, a little...the mushrooms' eyes.

What a cool shot! And I agree with the black and white idea. So much more dramatic than color here.

Leanne said...

is this a hotel bathroom faucet Carmi?

Awesome capture I imagine it would be even more phenominal HUGE!

Panthergirl said...

Is there an egg in the sink?

Now Carmi... you really missed your chance here. You needed to be naked in the background. You'd be Internet-famous if you had done that!

He he... here via michele!

Unique Designs from Zazzle said...

This evokes a fresh clean feeling. Great photograph. I guess you'd have to make sure you're not nekkid when you take those shots.

kenju said...

I like all your photos, Carmi. The chrome faucet reflects all it's surroundings, doesn't it? I'm asking the same questin as Panthergirl? What's in the sink? It does look like an egg.

Michele sent me.

Teena in Toronto said...

Very cool, Carmi!!

BTW, Michele says hello!

Anonymous said...

Wow - Very cool. I really like the way that came out....
Here from Michele's this afternoon - have a great weekend!

Moogie said...

You know, in all honesty, if you had the right bathroom (decor) this would be an awesome picture for it. You could shoot a set of other items as well to hang on the wall.

srp said...

I spy the camera, but not you.
I spy the sink in reflection.
I spy the beautiful grain in the granite (or the fake grain in the fake granite perchance)
I almost spy a drip... it's trying to be a drip... OK a little hanging drip.

Here from Michele this time.

srp said...

One question.... did you wipe the faucet shiny clean before you shot? Or was the hotel cleaning staff just that good?

carmilevy said...

SRP: I'm saddened to say that the cleaners weren't THAT good: I wiped it carefully down with a towel before I started to shoot.

I set the camera on self-timer and stood just outside the door to avoid being caught in any reflections.

Wordnerd: It says you're a cool, creative soul. Good to have ya aboard!

Anonymous said...

Love it. The first thought was "What a freaking clean bathroom to have a faucet that shiney!" but then I fell in love with the little screen in the faucet with the drip just hanging there. I think it's a beautful shot. What camera were you using? This looks like a digital SLR shot!


kimbofo said...

Certainly an interesting picture, it gives you a (distorted) glimpse of the rest of your hotel room.

I have to admit I did wonder why you weren't reflected in the picture, and then I see you took it using a timer. Very clever!

Michele sent me.

sage said...

nice photo--it looks like that put you up in a good hotel when traveling, one that they regularly shine the faucet!

Rebecca said...

Still life that becomes something living is one of my favorite subjects. You captured this one beautifully.

Part of being a photographer is enjoying the accidental genius shots!

Catherine said...

Even if the cleaners weren't that good, you'd still have to be in a hotel (or a very new house) to get a faucet like this one. Mine are old and tarnished and would never come up that shiny - the chrome is just worn off. I'm impressed that you didn't get nothing but reflections of the camera. You must have set up the angle very carefully. Anyway, I think it is amazing.
Here from Michele's

Anonymous said...

Wow! You always inspire me to pay more attention to things that normally aren't paid attention to while taking pics. For whatever reason, snakes have been an object/symbol frequenting my life and I saw one in this immediately! I always love reflective shots...hidden stories within the story.

David Edward said...

i like the smal driplet of water
and of course, I like that you find stuff to do in the hotel, besides the mini bar.

Carli N. Wendell said...

This picture is reminding me of cookies and cream ice cream, and how delicious it is, and how much I want some right this very second.

carmilevy said...

Wordnerd: it would be my honor. My next step is to figure out a way to get my photos online so that folks can order prints.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears!

kimmyk said...

I like this picture.

I like how in the handle you see the faucet and the sink. I don't see you though. Which is really good because however you took the shot, you're not distracting. Very cool.

Oh, by the way-here from Michele's.
Have a great weekend.

srp said...

Here from Michele.... How did you keep yourself out of the picture? Did you see how it looks in sepia?

Catherine said...

Michele is sending me back here. Maybe that's a sign I spend too much time online and not enough in the garden :)

Anonymous said...

I love the single drop of water hanging from the faucet - even though it kept pulling my focus.

Bulbboy said...

It's metal but it is also SO organic looking.

Reminds me of Terminator 2 molten metal guy.

Anonymous said...

This is a great picture, so much going on and because of the shape of the faucet the images it's reflecting are distorted and difficult to make out. Great!

kimbofo said...

Carmi, try for hosting your pics. There's a facility on there that allows people to buy your prints.

Anonymous said...

I've always loved pictures of reflective surfaces. There's always so much more to them than surface composition, and very often the photographer captures things unintentionally. Completely fascinating!

purplefugue said...

That's a beautiful B/W photo, Carmi. Worthy of a large scale print.