More coolness from my world of work: I was interviewed for a report that aired on CBC's major evening newscast, The National, earlier tonight. [Short pause. Happy dance. OK, I'm good.] I spoke about the upcoming change to Daylight Saving Time here in Canada (and, by extension, most of the rest of North America) and the implications on the world of technology.
Ron Charles was the reporter. John was his excellent cameraperson, and they shot the interview and related b-roll footage at Info-Tech's Toronto office.
The clip, in Real (.rm) format, is available here. You'll need to install RealPlayer to see it. It's a free download available here. CBC has also posted an in-depth feature on this change here.
Beyond the TV hit, I've been quoted recently in the Vancouver Province/Windsor Star (byline Trevor Wilhelm) and in IT World Canada (byline Mari-Len De Guzman) on this topic.
Your turn: Time always seems to be of the essence. As we tick down to this Sunday, what's that clock saying to you?
1 day ago
My father and I have a joke, because there are some clocks in my apartment (microwave, clock that used to be on my wall, others) that I just never bother changing. So when DST starts, I'll always say, "Oh, you know what tomorrow is?" And he'll say, "Oh. The clocks in your apartment will be the right time again?"
Hokey, yes, but it's one of our little traditions. And it gives me justification for being lazy and not changing the clocks in the first place.
On a professional note, the first article I ever wrote after college was about DST. It was called "Usher Falls Back" and included quotes from R&B star Usher about Daylight Saving Time.
Congrats on the interview! I hate the time change rigamaroll! I refuse to change the clock in my car ... just adjust my brain! Drives other people crazy, but it doesn't bother me a bit. At home I use the clock on the cable box and my cell phone which change automatically ...everything else seems to be constantly blinking from power outages!
Congratulations on your honor. You always bring such interesting thought for discussion.
Gee clean up nice! HAHA. I dont really think I expected to see you in your backwards baseball hat like in your profile but I guess you never know! :)
Nice job...
And what is the clock saying to me???
I agree with Anna, about "savoring every second" that we are given...
I hate to admit that there ARE times when the clock is more like an "enemy" to me, ticking towards pressing deadlines...however, I remind myself that it is not "time" that is my enemy, but my own wasting of it...if I do nothing, I must try to do it with "full intention" and "full attention", rather than mindlessly...
Good question, that we should ALL ask ourselves, from time to time (no pun intended...).
Hey Carmi! What a lovely interview and how good looking you are! :) And I missed seeing it on TV but nice I can see it in your blog!
Thanks so much!
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That's pretty cool, Carmi. Ron Charles is my favorite reporter on CBC. We are flying to Dominican Republic out of Newark on Sunday morning, and am hoping the DST change doesn't mess us up (I'm sure the airport will function fine, I'm just worried about us not waking up in time).
Do love that you have reason for a happy dance. :)
Were you dressed up for the occasion, or was that your normal attire? I didn't quite recognize you without the cap.
I'm looking forward to the extra daylight. My power went out today so I have to reset all the clocks anyway.
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