Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Rainbows far from home

Sault Ste. Marie, ON
October 2021
This photo originally shared on Instagram

It’s no secret I use this venue as a bit of an escape from Planet Earth. Take/choose a photo, write some words around it, share it. Repeat.

I call it a vignette, and it has become something of a daily moment where I get to create anything I wish, to the exclusion of all the noise on the outside.

Many of the images are monochrome, because I have a thing for composing without colour. But some of them are all about the colour, as if a random dance across the spectrum has the ability to bring us joy.

Come to think of it, that’s exactly how it should be. Colours and shades and tones have the power to make us feel things we wouldn’t otherwise feel. They can dredge up long-buried memories. They can counter the noise on the outside. They can bring us joy if we let them.

So here’s some yarn that I found in an unexpected place far from home. In the middle of a long journey, it was an unassuming swath of colour hanging under indifferent fluorescent lights in an otherwise ordinary-looking craft store that cut through the noise and turned the drab into the glorious.

Small, I know. Even laughable.

But it brought me joy when I first captured it, and it brings me joy now. I hope it does the same for you, as well. Because we can all use some joy - and colour - no matter where we find it.

#saultstemarie #ontario #canada #throwback #roadtrip #travel #travelphotography #retail #store #michaels #rainbow #stilllife #photography #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #instagood #photooftheday #nofilter #nofilterneeded

Chalk it up to art, August 2023
Eat the rainbow, March 2022
A rainbow of potential, September 2017
Rainbow connection, January 2011

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