I spotted this when I was in Dallas recently. I assumed that whoever owns this particular establishment had difficulty deciding where to specialize.
The result, I think we can all conclude, leaves us with one question: why?
I felt nauseous all the way back to the hotel. No, I didn't partake of any of the cuisine - if you dare call it that - at this restaurant.
Your turn: What weird food combinations have you ever come across?
Here from Michele this time.
I've been to a Chinese buffet that also served southern fried chicken, mashed potatoes and grits. Of course it was in Mississippi. Does that count for something?
It absolutely does! Great example!
You can only get coffee that tastes like donuts in a place like that.
Kia Ora (Hello) from a krazy blogger down under in New Zealand. Firstly - this could be a new take on chinese take-out !!! You should of given it a try (photographed it first of course)
Secondly - acts of kindness never go astray. God knows I have done more than my share over the years with a many many more years to go. Great blog / interesting posts & photos. What about the "old animal biscuits" !!! You could set them up for a race, or choc dipped strawberries !!! Gotta "race" - nature calls / one of the hazzards of getting old(er) hehe !!! Take care.
I don't know how weird it is, but we have restaurants that are combinations of KFC and Taco Bell.
Like SRP, we have Chinese buffets that cater to children with mac and cheese, hot dogs, fries, spaghetti and the like.
Michele sent me to you tonight!
Hi Carmi..Here from Michele tonight...Gee, that is pretty bizarre, isn't it? There was a restaurant that seemed to have many kinds of foods...Chinese, Indian, Thai, Italian....I never understood this mish mash, but I have to tell you, it was ALL good! Not great, but good! I later learned that the owner did a lot of catering so that was why there were so very many kinds of fppds on his menu...Eventually, he gave up the restaurant because the catering side of the business became so much more lucretive...and as I recall the restaurant was not the most appeaking place to eat. Strange, huh?
Combos - I'm not sure about that but one of the best steaks I ever had was when I was in S. Korea. There was this resturant (owned by an American) that imported it's beef from a ranch in Montana.
Hello Stranger I am back it seems hehehe! How about "Islamic Manchurian Buffet" (Torrance CA) for a incongruent combo....... I have missed everyone so much for the last few months......... I got married last weekend! and I put up a post tonite, and will be back writing now again..... PS I'm out of sequence but of course Michele sends me LOL! Doug.
Donuts and chinese food. Wow! One of our chinese restaurants in town has "pigs in a blanket." You know, hot dogs wrapped in crescent rolls. I found that a little odd. :)
Michele sent me.
Um, the only thing I can come up with are the Chinese food places here in Austin. Mini-burgers, pizza, chicken tenders alongside General Tso's and sesame chicken.
Good Saturday morning my friend. Here this time from Michele.
Those banana fritters that are sometimes served as a 'pudding' in Chinese restaurants in our part of the world would almost qualify as doughnuts.
And Hello, Michele sent me!
The combination of donuts with Chinese or Korean food sold in the same shop is quite common down here in the Golden State. It's almost a given to find one in every fifth strip mini-mall you come across, and even more often in the L.A. area.
I don't really have a strange combo for in-house food offerings, but your post does bring to mind the oft-seen and incongruous combination of a donut or ice cream or sweet shop placed right next to a Weight Watchers meeting hall. Ya think they do that on purpose? Ha!
LOL! First I have to tell you that I am LOVING your blog! You certainly DO have "another way" of looking at the world -- and I appreciate it! I will be back!
Now... for the weird food combinations... I don't have a picture - but my husband eats Peanutbutter, Butter, Mustard & Cheese Sandwiches. Is that weird enough? I can't look when he does it!
Once while travelling in New Orleans I saw a similar sign. This one said "Seafood and Donuts". Needless to say, I was tempted to immediately stop the cab to sample this fine food.
I'm not sure I've ever seen really odd combinations but I do know that I love that picture. It would be great framed and you'd have wonderful conversations about it. The colors are just wonderful!
My local chinese place serves chinese donuts. They are NOT good. Greasy grossness.
And like everyone else I've been to a chinese buffet that had TOO many different types of cuisine supplied. One of those places that does everything, but nothing particularly good.
There is a local restaurant in my small town that serves a variety of greek food. All of which is middle of the road. The owners are greek, so I like to believe they know what they are doing. But at the same restaurant, they also serve perogies, as well as several chinese food dishes. All of which is to be avoided like the bubonic plague itself.
When I asked the owners about the variety on the menu, they promptly (and primly) reminded me that variety was the spice of life.
Perhaps, but these are spices everyone should avoid!
Have a great weekend!
Hi there, Michele sent me. That restaurant makes me feel greasy.
I've seen one that advertises Tamales and Eggrolls on their sign. Perhaps they specialize in tube-shaped food with stuffings?
I've never eaten there.
My local family diner has prime rib night on Saturday - I've yet to try it, just doesn't seem to fit in with the chicken and dumplings and burgers. I like random acts of kindness, too - will have to visit again. Michele sent me.
Well, there was something my ex MIL used to make...mashed potatoes, topped with creamed spinach and a fried egg. I will admit to actually LOVING this combination...but it took awhile. I like all the foods individually, but together they seemed way too much. Now, it's one of the things I miss about her! (I don't miss her son!)
Michele sent me!
oh...and while this doesn't qualify for food, I DID wonder a lot about the sign on a chinese food restaurant that said "We Delivery"...did they mean FREE Delivery (and misspell free) or We Deliver (and got overzealous on letters)???
Michele sent me today. I think the strangest combo I have ever seen was BBQ and Thai inspired dishes on the same menu.
Hmmm that doesn't sound like a good combination!!
There was a take-away close to where I lived a few years ago that was a jack of all trades with take-away food...Fried chicken, burgers, pizza and kebab...The smells that came out of that place were vile!
Here from Michele's today.
There's a local Chinese buffet here that also serves Cajun-style boiled crawfish on Sundays. I find that odd!
Michele sent me!
oh boy! you'll go crazy when you see the lot we have in our country, carmi. since we've become a melting pot of so many races in and out of asia, it is not an oddity anymore to come across a restaurant that serves up a fusion of so many different cultures at the same time. my tummy's still ok though so i guess it just takes some getting used to. :)
There was a Chinese place near the college hear in Buffalo. It was called "Vegetarian Restaurant." I guess business wasn't that good, because after a few months they painted the word "Meat" between Vegetarian and Restaurant - thus becoming the "VEGETARIAN MEAT RESTAURANT"
Carmi, I've seen signs like that all over the city here (San Francisco). An euphemistic way to put it is a resturant where the east meets the west! Ha! I've seen Chinese Food+American Breakfast+Donut...Sushi+Kimchi...this is my favorite: All-you-can-eat Chinese+Latte+Mocha+Tapioca Drink.
I read that as DO NOT chinese food. Not a bad idea really considering how bad the food can be in some of those places lol.
Michele sent me I am trying so hard to catch up on reading today.
Kids go back to school tomorrow so I will have more time :)
In Los Angeles you can find Chicken and Donut (I can never figure out why they leave the "s" out on donuts - maybe they only have one that they never sell - who knows?)
funny how your blog has lots of food pics :D or dining room pics :)..
interesting....glad to have run on in..
The Korean version of Americanized chinese food. You would think that Korean-Chinese would make sense, but with the American part tossed in, it just got weird.
I haven't seen anything very weird that hasn't already been mentioned. I think the Chinese Buffet's are always good for that. Chicken Nuggets right in between the Chow Mein and Kung Pao. And fortune cookies with chocolate pudding....
Michele sent me back today! :-)
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