Baby blues on a hot afternoon
London, ON, August 2006
Your turn: As you look into my eyes, what do you see? (Please be polite, as my mother occasionally reads this.)
One more thing: Caption This is still taking submissions. Don't know what I'm talking about. Click here for eternal bloggy fame. Or something akin to it.
I have to say that I'm channeling Pink Floyd's The Wall: "I've got wild staring eyes, and I've got a strong urge to fly... but I've got nowhere to fly to, fly to, fly to...."
Wide-eyed & speechless...!
and I've gotta tell you...
THAT caught me completely off guard!
Very cool, though :).
Is this what you did at lunch today??
You have a very clean brow line for a guy. Very intense look. The photo makes me uncomfortable because I don't like for people to get in my face.
Whoa, dude! That was a little, um, surprising! Not that I'm normally all, "dude" or anything, but you caught me off guard with this one! It's as if you're actually INSIDE my laptop, peering out at me. Trippy.
I'm not one that makes eye contact that easily, so I was a little uncomfortable. Cool idea, though!
Happy WW! Very unique photo ... I need to go put my pajama top back on! (smile)
Sex scandal is a tragedy for Eliot Spitzer and his family. However, it is an opportunity for remarkable history to be made in the United States.
peace, Villager
ok - i'm gonna go with spitzer having just been outed by the escort service?
happy ww! :)
I'm getting sleepy. Very sleepy.
Thank you for not posting an animation that blinks. Because that would be creepy instead of cool.
I see...curiosity, compassion and creativity.
(I'm feeling very alliterative tonight.)
Ha, ha, ha! Perhaps a bit of a bloggy break is in order? They're looking a tad caffeinated... :D
Happy WW!
Whoa...didn't anyone tell you it's not nice to stare? ;)
I see a powerful struggle not to blink!
"I told them to turn on the air conditioning an hour ago!" :)
to tell the truth.. I got a little dizzy.
Was this a hypnotic post? ha ha ha
Nice eyes but I felt strange after that, you know a stranger looking at me straight!Cool! Happy WW!
Interesting picture. I don't know what happened with the WW website tonight, but I do know that... you beat me again!!!
Thanks for having visited my disturbing post for today. Happy WW!
Such a pretty color. :)
Happy WW!
I see a mother telling her kids "GET INTO BED NOW!!!" Only she's not saying it, her eyes say it all!
very nice, i love the color
Very cool photo!! I still have to take mine for the week.
It looks like you're trying desperately to keep them open :)
"F*o*u*n*d the pin cushion!
Windows to the soul! Beautiful!
You scared the pooey out of me! Good WW...Definitely gets a reaction...lol
I think you saw something delicious! :D
A few too many Red Bulls?
why yes! i am quite beautiful! thank you very much!
happy ww!
You look a little crazed in that one, Carmi. Stressed? ; )
a bit crazed determination w/one eye turning in already to go after it
You look hot!
Yikes! I'm being watched!
I guess my WW post includes a big pair of eyes staring back at you too...but they're not mine. :)
you have well-groomed eyebrows!
my husband's are bushy and out of control...and my DAUGHTER inherited those...she's gonna hate tweezing....
these eyes are absolutely not mine :-)
happy ww!
Love it... although it belies your profile where you speak of being an observer from the perimeter... this has you peering into the viewer in a very direct manner.
Enjoy your day!
Slightly cross-eyed with your eyes being too hidden by the shadows. But I really like it - eyes are very compelling!
Happy WW :-)
They caught me off guard! Great WW!
You are saying...."See how pink I am getting? I KNEW I should have worn sun block today!"
Stop staring at me it freaks me out.
I must admit to being a bit startled when your page first opened. What a very cool photo and effect. You should call it
Eye See You
I see hazel and a hint of blue. I see a link to one of my past posts ;)
Oh, and I see that you see me seeing you seeing me seeing you seeing me...
I see you thinking, "Seriously?!"
Thanks for visiting my blog... I've enjoyed my visit here.
Blessings, Beckie :o)
Wow, your eyes just popped out at me as soon as I opened the page! Thanks for visiting my blog :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Nice to "meet you"!
I see.... a huge home, swimming pool and many pets!
Great Photo!
I tried to look into your eyes without blinking but it was hard!! Very unique WW :)
What a great shot! Thanks for the encouraging words on my WW post, I appreciate it!
Your eyes is like an open book.
But u know: WW - I eed to be wordless
If you plucked your eyebrows, arched them some, you could use that picture for an after shot in a botox commerical.
Eyes without worry, young eyes.
Scary and quite funny at the same time!
at first it weirded me out then thougth kinda sexy lol
for the record my 15 son took the picture of that starburst in the cloud
BOO! :) Nice self portrait!
Okay, I say you have just ran several miles (or possible ridden your bike?) You are thirsty, a little hungry, and looking for a place to sit before you fall down! Just kidding but you do seem uh...sweaty :)
Thank you for visiting me today. And thanks for the um, interesting perspective....
a pair of honest eyes!!!!
Reminds me of an Almodovar film - "On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown"
Nervous fear. Great minds...great eyes....we have a couple things in common. Thanks for looking at my WW!
I think you did this just so you can win every staring contest that happens your way! Very cool pic, and there are no blinds on THOSE soul windows!!
Please tell me you had 'Little Britain' in mind when posting this.
i have a brown eyes but my father's eyes look like yours
Happy Easter!
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