Sunday, September 24, 2006

Interviewed, quoted, etc.

I've fallen somewhat behind on posting links to my media-related work of late. Since it's been a bit of a busy week, I thought I'd toss up some quick snippets of what I've been up to of late:
  • Report on Business Television. I did a live interview from the CKCO CTV affiliate in Kitchener, Ontario. I spoke about Motorola's purchase of Symbol Technologies with ROBTv anchors Pat Bolland and Lisa Oke. To view the streamed video, click here, then scroll down to the entry that looks like this
2:05 PM ET
Trading Day with Pat Bolland
Motorola Buys Symbol Technologies
Carmi Levy, senior research analyst, Info-Tech Research Group
Duration: 5 m 18 s

Click on the Play icon and you're off to the races. (Note: this link will likely go dead late Monday or early Tuesday.)
  • Unstrung. I was interviewed by Senior Editor Richard Martin on this same issue. The resulting piece is called Motorola's Vertical Leap, and can be found here.
  • Marketplace on American Public Media. I was interviewed for a radio report entitled More battery problems for Sony. Janet Babin was the reporter, and you can hear the piece by clicking here. Don't tell anyone, but I did this interview from my kitchen table. Shhh.
  • Detroit Free Press. How AdWords work: New Ann Arbor office is part of Google's ad strategy changing the world of marketing. Byline Jewel Gopwani, Free Press Business Writer. Click here to read the article.
  • Unstrung. Palm: Struggles Ahead. Also by Richard Martin. Read it here.
  • Red Herring. Yahoo Latest Dell Laptop Casualty. Byline Eydie Cubarrubia. Read it here. Note that I work for Info-Tech, not In-Stat (I'm still not sure where that one came from.)
  • Who Gets What? Deciding How To Distribute the Goodies. Byline Sixto Ortiz. Click here to read.
  • We also released a quick news brief in response to the latest large-scale recall of laptop batteries. This one was a little different in that the batteries were not at risk of exploding. But's the lowdown: Tekrati picked it up here: Toshiba Laptop Battery Recall Reaffirms Need for Industry Action, Says Info-Tech Research Group.
Your turn: Do I look/sound like I enjoy this? I hope so, because I do. Immensely. What is it about your calling that makes it so enjoyable for you?


MsT said...

Funny you should ask that last question - you're probably reading it right now on my 9.23 blog entry! Oh - you meant my 9-5 calling, the one that puts food on the table and a roof over my head? I work for a local cable TV station doing sales & marketing, web design, admin and production assistant work. I love it because I'm an Aquarius and I love jobs that ask me to use many facets and talents, not just one - I also love the daily interaction with people. Michele says hi, and I say, sorry it's been so long since I've stopped by!

Anonymous said...

yes, it sounds like you're having a blast professionally. And who deserves it more than you?

Hope your New Years celebrations were joyous and you had lots to eat. We had kishke last night, and I have to say, it was the first time in about 30 years that I ate it. It's actually good! :-)

Here from Michele

Anonymous said...

Because you sound like you enjoy it, you make it interesting to the rest of us, Carmi! ; ) Surcie

scrappintwinmom said...

Yes it does seem like you're enjoying it, and good for you!
Here via Michele today.

Jennifer said...

wow carmi... never seen you on video before! how cool to not only put a face with your blog but you voice too! how cool!

yes, i can tell you love it... you speak so well and so intelligently! very interesting topic too... i'm not really into the 'up and up' of the business world since i'm so focused on trying to teach! and speaking of, yes that is my calling and it's so enjoyable for me because i love to learn, i am a lifelong learner, i love to share things with people and teach people and help people and i love being able to use my creativity!

Carolyn said...

I enjoy different things. The problem is that things in my life change that require me to move on to something else. I can't establish just one thing to enjoy or really do well. Does that make sense? It is past my bedtime, lol!