Sunday, September 24, 2006

Not quite strawberry shortcake

We're in an interim, early stage of autumn when the warmth of summer has started to fade, but the colors haven't quite started to make themselves known. As I look through my kitchen window, the world outside seems dull, gray, and somewhat muted. So I thought I'd shift gears a bit and drop in a shot of color.

Your turn: I'd like to know where you find bright, inspirational colors. If you've posted any examples online, I hope you'll share a link or two with us.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

I just love strawberries!

Michele sent me here!

LZ Blogger said...

Nice photos here. I am assuming it is your work? ~ They are nice regardless. ~ jb///

carmilevy said...

Hi LZ. All photos on my blog are indeed my work. I'm glad you're enjoying them!

Anonymous said...

MMMMMMM what a great picture! Passing through from Michele's today, Carmi - I found lots of bright colors in the wrapping paper on all my shower presents yesterday! Those colors made me QUITE happy, let me tell you! =)

Paste said...

This may sound odd but I can't stand strawberries! Sorry. But I still enjoy your photos. Here from Michele's today.

Jennifer said...

oh man... how ironic... i just now turned on starawberry shortcake that i dvr'd this morning!!!! yay, i dont think my boys are going to be into it, yes, i dvr'd it for myself as i was shocked to see it in the tv guide! i dont think i've seen ss in a very long time... and the other thing.. i have pix of strawberries but they were cut up, in a bowl with sugar on them so my pix i took made them look funny... never posted them cause i thought they looked weird. i guess now i ought to post them. seems like i am finally catching on to your style cause i have a lot of similar pix as you!

Jennifer said...

forgot to tell you, in case you didn't know... i nominated you for a blog emmy over at mysterious lady...

nominated you for GREAT ART SITE because of all your photographs! voting ends at 6pm tonight so anyone who comes and reads you and agrees, needs to go vote for you!

srp said...

I like to see the wildflower garden pictures from last month. They were still blooming up until a couple of weeks ago. Of course I'm waiting on my pumpkins to color up as well.

Linda said...

As a scrapbooker, I get inspiration from EVERYTHING. I was at a convention where local businesses displayed their business used purple and lime green as their decor...I just finished my scrapbooking layout with those colors!

Strawberries are on my agenda too...I have some "hearts"...when you cut a strawberry in half and it is a perfect heart on the inside. They say they are a lover's fruit...

Magazines (ads, particularly) are good inspiration...and I even have church bulletins that I'm saving for inspiration.

Oh, and your work inspires me, lol - as you know from the 9-11 layout!

Anonymous said...

We have 4 large tomato plants in the back garden along the stone fence. Interspersed are nasturtiums, and they are so beautiful, as well as edible. Bright red, oranges, and yellows. Sometimes they fool me and I think there are new red tomatos, but nope, it's a nasturtium. My garden always soothes me this time of year. All that work and now I get to reap the rewards. It's wonderful.

Here from Michele

Panthergirl said...

My bright inspirational colors came about during Christo's "The Gates" exhibit in Central Park. Wow. Really indescribable!

PostCards said...

Well, as coincidence would have it, I get inspiration
here. Go figure!

And then there's this, which isn't quite as bold, but just as much fun. Enjoying your photos...keep 'em coming!