Here's another entry in my infrequent, ongoing series on stuff I like to read when I'm not busy writing about the other stuff that gets under my skin.
John Dvorak is a longtime columnist for PC Magazine and a somewhat outspoken voice in the technology press. (His regular column appears here, and his other regular column, known as Inside Track, appears here.)
Considering the fact that I've spent the past decade solidly ensconced in the tech field, you may be surprised when I say I have little patience for mainstream technology media. Writers and editors in this space are always so focused on the latest thing that they forget what matters to mere mortals like us.
Dvorak's different. Reading him is refreshing in a Dave Barry-esque way, only take away the toilet humor. He's also a really funny guy, as evidenced by his relatively new blog, Dvorak Uncensored. Give him a read, then comment.
I'd ask you to tell him that Carmi sent you, but he has no clue who I am. Still, his words work. Enjoy.
1 day ago
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