On the assumption that you have as much leftover junk food in your house as we have in ours, I present this brief photographic survey of the sea of cheesies (or cheese doodles, if you will) that lurked in a bowl on the counter. This was, of course, before I put them out of their finger-staining misery by feeding them to the squirrels.
Review: People of the Sea
17 hours ago
eeewww! I'm never eating these things again!
Who knew Cheese Doodles could be so pretty! I may have to blow this image up and hang it above the couch.
You know, don't you, that the squirrels are going to bury every last one of them. That orange colour is indestructible, and is going to seep into the roots of every plant in your garden, reprogramming their DNA to produce Doodle-Orange-laden foliage instead of chlorophyll.
So get used to the colour :-)
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