I've got some good news for your beleaguered eyes and brains: I'll be disconnecting from the blogosphere for a few days. I've got lots of stuff yet to post - been busy writing this week, and I suspect you'll all enjoy the literary results of my insomnia - but I'm going to be deliberately leading a luddite's life while I reconnect with my wife and kids. This being vacation time for the little folks and for my wife - she's a teacher - I'm going to be spending a lot more time with them and a lot less time at my keyboard.
I'll blast the backlog of words online once I'm back in a regular posting groove.
Please continue to check in regularly, though. I'll do my best to keep things interesting through the Christmas/New Year's period. I'll include the usual stuff: words, pictures, whatever flotsam springs from my mind.
Thanks...and whatever you're celebrating, please be careful in the process. We want you around for more such celebrations in future.
8 hours ago
Have a great holidays Carmi, its always good to recharge and appreciate life, nothing Luddite about finding something fun and enjoyable about family. Thats what life is all about. All the best, t
Vacation? Sounds nice... Where do I sign up?
Have a good one Carmi! You deserve it. Take care.
enjoy the time off with your family :)
My wish for you this holiday season is that you and your wife find your spot of solitude, peace and reconnection. Thank you for the gift of insight this year, Carmi. Best, jk
ps: did I miss the answers to your mystery photo postings? If not, this is a great, year-end cliffhanger! I'm really curious to know what these items are!
Happy Holidays!
Have fun with your wife while she decompresses. Tell her if she needs another ear, I can relate.
It's been nice getting to know you a little this year. Thanks for all your encouragement. It makes me want to be a better person to see how nice you are to people, all year long.
Have a great holiday with your family Carmi... Wishing you all a merry and safe Christmas :)
Enjoy your time with your wife and family!! It will give me a chance to catch up with some of your prior posts . . .
Have a good break! Right around the time when everyone is logging off, I'll probably be online, catching up.:(
Happy Hanukah (a little late)
Happy New Year, Carmi!
I hope you and yours have the best year ever in 2005!
p.s. If you sneak away to the computer, check out my sister's pics on her blog http://ramblingsofaredhead.blogspot.com. She is truly gifted and I like to show her off! ;-)
Happy Holidays!
Enjoy the family. We'll be waiting for your return.
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