It had to happen sooner or later: someone has actually blogged from space. Anousheh Ansari is half of the husband-wife team that funded the Ansari X Prize. The self-made tech entrepreneur is currently orbiting the planet aboard the International Space Station, and she's been documenting her travels on her self-titled space blog.
Point your browser toward and prepare to be inspired. Her first-person view of this rather extraordinary experience goes well beyond the usual PR-limited perspectives that NASA astronauts are allowed to share with the world - assuming they share them at all.
As you wonder what the heck this has to do with you, I hope you'll keep this in mind: As a little girl in Iran, she used to look up at the sky and wonder about possibilities. If anyone is a candidate for validating the old saw that the sky is the limit, it would be Ms. Ansari.
Your turn: Is her experience inspirational to you? How?
1 day ago
We live in amazing times! Wonderous, but amazing. Boggers in space...should be a movie or something! thanks for sharing it.
Jenny in Ca
I have often thought that limits reach above and beyond the sky...that our limits are as big as our imaginations will take us...
Thank heavens someone actually and finally proved me right and what a wonderful way to do it.
Awesome story, much thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Hadn't known about her blog, thanks for sharing, Carmi. She seems really nice and down-to-earth :P
I think all of space exploration is wondrous and exciting. But I'm especially pleased to see a woman doing it.
Carmi, this is so ironic. I'm currently re-reading a fantastic book called "The Sparrow" by Mary Doria Russell in which a group of people, including Jesuit priests, travel to a recently discovered planet, light years away. So this blog is exactly what I've been reading about! Thanks for sharing this link - it's great!
First person to blog in zero gravity, how cool! Maggie ;-)
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