Out of deference to Bob and Doug McKenzie, I'll voluntarily refrain from further hoser references and other dated Canadianisms for at least the rest of this entry.
But I did want to share this image from my travels last week. It is of the landing gear of a Dash-8 Series 100 (DHQ-1) on takeoff from Toronto's Pearson International Airport (YYZ) bound for London, Ontario (YXU). Lifting off on my last leg home is always an exciting time, because the flight lasts barely a half-hour, and I know what awaits me at the other end.
The photographer in me likes this image because the blurring is pretty neat. It's also one of those rare pictures that, despite being shot in color, renders as a b&w simply because of the composition. I have a few more in my archives that I'll post in the near future.
Until they ban cameras on board aircraft, I'm going to keep bringing mine on board. Aviation's routine reputation notwithstanding, there's something surreal about strapping into a winged tube that slices through the air near the speed of sound some seven miles above the earth, depositing you in a place that would have taken days to get there by car. If I ever lose the sense of flying-related wonder, I hope someone will take the time to reintroduce me to this entry. Deal?
Your turn: Coming home. Please discuss.
One more thing: Please see the entry, The wheels in the sky, posted November 7, 2006, for the rest of this story.
Awesome photo! Looks like CGI.
What an incredible picture! It almost looks surreal to me. I love coming home, or I should say, I love it when my husband comes home. It's few and far between that he is gone, so the time apart is, at times, well needed. Our relationship almost seems refreshed at that point, and we appreciate each other a whole lot more after being apart!
Hi from Michele`s!
I love flying but with J and the world climate it has become an increasingly stressful experience! I think that if I didn`t want to go back to the UK, I probably wouldn`t travel very much at all. I love your photo and am amazed you managed to take one like that!!
I'd like to discuss how you took this picture. I can't think of any place on a plane you could take this, while the plane is taking off and get the wheel gear. Do you know the pilot?
Deal! Great photo... Makes me wonder exactly where you took it from, actually!
Michele sent me this fine Thursday evening!
SRP & Netchick: That's a darn good question. The Dash-8-100 is a high-winged turboprop aircraft. It's designed for short-range flights that feed passengers from smaller centers to larger ones. London doesn't have a whole lot of direct flights to major destinations. So everything goes via these puddle jumper planes to Toronto, where I catch a connecting flight to New York, Seattle, or wherever else I'm headed.
The main landing gear on the Dash-8 comes out of a cowling under the engine - which itself traces a very long path through the wing. The gear drops down, pretty much at head level, and the wheels end up somewhat lower on the long strut.
I was sitting in seat 3D, just behind the propeller, just ahead of the wheel. I twisted back, braced myself against the window sill and took the shot.
These images are neat because the airframe-connected parts are tack sharp, while the world around us is blurred. I've always loved that about low-level aviation photography, and I think I stretched the bounds of my little point-and-shoot this time out.
Great Picture!
I remember back 2000 flying home to California from Saudi Arabia. It took like 18 hours with three changes of planes but boy it sure was nice being home after 3 months in the desert
Pretty cool photo Carmi! You are quite the photographer.
Coming Home? Nothing quite like it, is there? I am actually going to go and visit my old city Melbourne in November. That city is like home for me. Your heart flutters, your pulse quickens. That's what is so great about travelling and returning to your home. It'll be the same when I return back here to Cairns 2 weeks later though. I've made this my home with my partner and my daughter. That's the best part that makes a home...
here via Michele today. :)
Michele sent me way up north to Canada to see you, Carmi. Ayyy.
I used to love to fly but the past 10 years my belly just doesn't like changes in altitude so it's damn painful. So the joy has left the experience--but low flying in helicopters is still very nice!
I rarely leave home for more than a few days so I never have a return that feels very significant. Not having anyone at home to come back to is probably part of that too.
How ever did you get this photo?
Coming home? I never tire of it. Tonight I headed out to dinner straight from work. The kids were already home with my husband - waiting for me to appear. It never ceases to melt my heart when they realize I've returned and they call out "Mommy's home!" I mean wow.
coming home in August took me 16 hours non stop in a tortured rentacar at speeds averaging 75 mph and topping 100 in the desert. My body screamed, my bladder found new capacity, my camera clicked along the blurring miles. next time ( when I fly) it will be two hours in the air, two hours in line to be frisked, two hours in the car TO the aeropuerto ( spanish lingo)
stil - six versus 16, what do you think I will do with theextra TEN hours of vacation?
And think about how long it took before Motor Cars, as they used to say...Like in a Covered wagon...I know this...I wouldn't have made it ina covered wago or on a horse, either.(LOL)
Would you Carmi? I bet you would because I think you are a very resourceful person...Of course if we had Camera's back then....well, I might have made that! HA HA!
Oops..Forgot to say Michele sent me today...It is a v-e-r-y s-l-o-w day today...here too! But a BEAUTIFUL day here!
cool shot.
airplanes always fascinate me. I use to love flying but now there seems to always be a shadow of uncertainty
that's an amazing photo! did you get it on the first try? it is so cool how blurry the runway is and how clear the landing gear is! the blurriness of the runway really adds the feeling of being in a plane at takeoff... and you are right about the pix being taken in color but showing up black and white. i love how that happens! great great pix!
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