What's amazing about this image, taken in the
Eclipse restaurant during our recent long weekend (see
here and
here) up north, doesn't lie in the image at all. Rather, one of the servers put a coffee mug over said bee, walked the whole thing outside and set the little critter free.
Most folks would have simply smacked the sucker into the next dimension. Instead, he showed a level of compassion that seems to be decidedly absent from society today. That's inspiring.
Your turn: How have seemingly small random acts of kindness touched your life? How have you touched others in this way?
I haven't been very nice to bugs as of late because I have so many of them in my garden. I keep thinking the bee is going to go down the hole in the mug. But I have left some spider webs on my porch up, even though I have the urge to sweep them off.
I could use a bee for my entomology project.
I made a blog entry recently about my interaction with one critter. School is making me more comfortable with insects.
Kindness? Hmmmm. The ramdom kindness of my children always surprises me because it is so random.
But that Bee would have caused quite a fuss at a table with my children.
It's Yellow Jacket Season here. They are out for their final desperate bit before Fall hits.
That looks more like a wasp than a bee..but I'm not a bug expert, I run from either one.
My little act of kindness was yesterday when a coworker was being harassed by her psycho soon-to-be-ex husband on the sales floor. He had cornered her & was yelling at her, she had no way out. So I went & had my manager oh-so-officially call her to the backroom to unload a non-existent truck. I told her she looked like she needed any excuse to get away from him and she thanked me profusely.
Great photo of the 'bee'? Is it a Waqsp or a hornet or something? It sure looks different from the bees we have here in England. They are sort of fuzzy looking and much rounder.
Our wasps are generally just nosy and inquisitive rather than mean and we usually manage to shoo them away or show them an open door or window which they will fly thorugh.
The one in you picture does look somewhat larget though. That might put me off.
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