As I write this, the window to my right reveals a foggy, gray and damp scene. The world outside seems muted, closed in, somewhat slower and calmer than it usually is. The kids are playing quietly downstairs. I'm watching my wife sleep, trying to type quietly to avoid bothering her, as another Sunday slowly breaks in our house.
Strangely, I find myself thinking of the exact opposite kind of day: Oppressively hot and frenetic, the kind of day that northern hemisphere-dwellers won't see for anothe nine months.
I thought a stark scene of a burning hot sun cooking through a translucent umbrella would serve as a nice counterpoint to the moment that I'm witnessing now. I took it less than two months ago, but it may as well have been a lifetime ago given the difference in temperature and mood.
Your turn: Photography can take us back to a very different time and place. Agree/disagree? Why/why not?
One more thing: Happy new month! I always wish this to those around me whenever the calendar page needs a flip. I often get strange looks, as if it's some kind of bizarre thing. I figure it's better to have a happy occasion 12 times a year instead of only once.
Happy October to you, Carmi! I stole your line in my blog today (Your turn). Apologies, and thanks.
Happy October. I often do that too, makes me feel good to know I made it through another month and can look forward to all the good things another month brings.
Carmi, I strongly agree! (and is why I love photography and art!) Before hubby and I decided to do guest posts on one another's blogs this weekend, I was going to write about my grandfather, so I went about finding photos of him. Talk about being wisked back into another time in my life! I got so wrapped up and emotional over the pictures, that I couldn't compose a post. Luckily, my view today is of bright blue skies and sun, but the temps are dropping and soon the grey, rainy days will be here. I'll call back to mind your hot umbrella pic :)Happy October to you!
As you get older and older, photography will take you back more and more. Not only to times when your children were small but also to share with them, the times when you were a child.
It takes us back and reminds of places we've been and how we felt there. Sometimes photographs spark a deep sense of longing.
Happy October to you too. It is pumpkin time... well at least soon.
Hi Carmi,
I wish you and your family a Shana Tova and a Gmar Chatimah Tova.
All the best,
Richard Polisuk (and family)
Happy October to you aswell Carmi..
I agree that a photo takes us to a different time or place..either sad or happy..its the reasons we look through old albums or that box of photos in the closet every once in awhile...Oh look at that hairstyle..and I thought my mom was so beautiful dressed like that back then lmao...it evokes all kinds of emotions and rememberances...My grandmother holding me in her arms...my mom as a girl...My sisters and I all sitting pretty and knowing full well that seconds after that pic was taken we were punching eachother lol....
Great question Carmi, u had me going lol
My post this week had old and new pics in it as a matter of fact..check it out when u have a chance.
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