21 January 2025
1 hour ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
That's a lovely photo, Carmi. Just lovely.
Sadly, "Bird Flu."
But it really is a very nice picture.
I know where that beach is. :) And that's a gorgeous photo.
To me, the picture says don't fly too close to the sun, or your wings will melt. :) Kinda sorta like Mel Gibson.
It says that sometimes God doesn't even color in the lines, so why should I?
Our local sea gulls stay in Cabot Square and trek to and from the river all winter. I like that visual for holiday cards.
A sea gull standing on a snow drift...
when I read "free bird" I was thinking, hey cool, now I can get my lunch gratis. I sure hope it's chicken. don't care much for penguin. or bald eagle. seriously, what an amazing picture, but then I could just sit back and watch them all drift by. you bring such amazing scenery to us all. oh, did I mention anything about Lynyrd Skynyrd? dang! :)
This photo is more painterly than it is photographic. Even though you have no idea what I am referring to, it reminds me very much of a series of paintings my mother did a few years ago.
Since my eye tends to be drawn to a more painterly aesthetic, I absolutely adore this photo. It makes me feel at peace, calm, and my imagination abounds.
it says cold...goodbye.
Jonathon Livingston Seagull.
did you notice how the shape of the cloud is so similar to the shape of the bird wings?
it says. "Don't look up!"
Calm, collected and peaceful. The opposite of everything here right now!
It says: Ocean storm brewing, here somes the wind, birdie, find a landing spot soon!"
Here from Michele.
I really loved the look of this picture. How did you get the sun on the back of the gull so that he didn't just look like a black bird blob. Mine often turn into those. Were you on the balcony of a tall building?
It stll speaks to me of dreams and the freedom to follow them.
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