Sometimes, you take a picture not because it's spectacular, but because it is not. Because regardless of whether you choose to actually take the shot, the scene will nevertheless play out in front of you again and again. So you either ignore it and go through the motions with each passing day, or you capture it tangibly so that you can explore it with a little more thought and grace the next time you sit down for your tea.
The choice, as always, rests with you.
Your turn: Scenes of the everyday. Which one will you capture next? Why?
The one I don't capture--and should--is the sunrise. I'm about 2 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, and the sunrise is glorious every morning, if it's not raining. I just don't want to get out of bed!
I like shiny things. Even if they're ordinary. I take photos of simple light and reflection all the time.. the everyday things that catch my eye.
~S :)
I like the reflection in the spoon.
The everyday thing that I should capture is my laundry room....it is the one room of my house that I have no photos of. I think it feels left out :)
I love trees, n I'm still saving film for the colors to change in the woods across the street-
BTW-I do like the reflection in the spoon most about that shot, n also the anticipation caused by thinking of what's about to get heaped upon the plate...
If I'd had a digital camera (which I hope to get very soon, now that I have an awesome new Mac Pro) I'd have got the hubby to take a pic of me carving out funny faces in our pumpkins as my big fat tabby Maggie snuggled beside me in the living room. It just seemed like the perfect picture!
It may be everyday, but you have an eye for a nice composition. The everyday things that I tend to photograph are things from nature - the flowers, the ducks at the river near our house. They catch my eye because they are changing so rapidly since it's springtime.
I cannot stop taking photos of the sky from the view of our porch. You'd think I never looked up before, but we've been living in cities (philly, NY) and now I have this unblocked view of the sky... Who knew it was so jawdropping? So, I have dozens of sky photos.
Long time, no visit Carmi - I am sorry, I have missed your pics ...
Love this one for it's clean lines and simplicity. Is that an EAR reflected in your spoon ? :)
This morning I woke up, and it's The Wizard of OZ outside. I seriously think that Elmira Gulch is going to come riding by my window on her bike and turn into the wicked witch--that's how windy it is. . . and I was laying in bed staring out the window, and at my cat, who was sitting on the windows seat staring out the window, and I noticed that the leaves were flying off the trees. . . and I remembered that every winter, I look at a naked tree and realize I've missed its transition from summer to winter entirely. So I've decided to make a conscious effort to check in on the tree so that I'm not surprised one morning in January by a naked tree. . . but I won't take pictures of it, since that's not really my thing.
I like ordinary photos of people going about their day; especially when they don't know they are being photographed. As I sat on a piazza in Florence, I saw 6-7 men on and around a bench. One was "holding court" and I would have loved to know what he was discussing. I thought of you when I saw the group and said to myself, "This is something Carmi would shoot", so I did. I will put it on the blog soon.
Michele sent me this morning. Have a great day, Carmi (and Morah Mommy too).
I've tried to take photos of the mtns here to give others the vision of the morning grandeur I see daily. The sun in the east lighting up the snow on the peaks ... I haven't captured it yet...come take a photo here Carmi if you get out this way.
Hi from Michele
Have you seen www.caedes.net?
that site has fantastic macro photography and surrealistic and abstract art/photos.
Love your title. Yes, you make a good point. Capturing only occasions misses a lot.
Sometimes the everyday things that repeat we never record and when it isn't everyday anymore there's no trace.
I shot a couple dozen pictures of the Hubby as we talked.
Michele sent me.
Awesome photo, as always, Carmi! I'm looking through my recently washed windows at a spectacular autumn day, so that's my moment!
Michele sent me your way today Carmi. Hope you're having a great weekend.
Hi Carmi.
Michele says hi.
It is good to be back here. I haven't been around in a while. I always like your reflections. (hey no pun intended.) I've been gazing at the red leaves against the green grass on my way home at lunch lately. I keep forgetting my camera and the colours change everyday.
Hey Carmi.... nice spoon! Love your everyday photos.
Here via michele today... if you come visit me, you'll have to click on October 2006 archives to see the newest post. I'm going to do that here, in case you posted something else new!
One can see the reflection in that!
Michele sent me here.
I love to take photos of birds and flowers. Those are my everyday things.
Here via Michele's.
i love the distortion in this close up
and trying to figure the reflection out... very good
did snaggle say FILM????
Here from Michele this time.
Perhaps someone should do a series on "buttons" or more common in a house with kids..... chipped glassware.
Love this one. Does that dish have the off centered look or is it just the angle of the shot?
I love this! The shine and the shape!
I just took a picture of a group of 3 blue glass wine bottles that I had on hand under a fluorescent light. I'd just installed the light under a cabinet and I thought... wouldn't wine bottles look pretty under there. LOL
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