Toronto, ON, November 2007 [Click to enlarge]
Trees take on a whole new drama when they lose their leaves for the winter. No longer able to shade the world below them, they instead frame the skies above for those of us lucky or insightful enough to take a moment to look up.
It's strictly temporary, of course, for in a few short months this scene will once again be replaced by foliage. But for now, they offer up their own lesson in finding the good after a significant loss. Just because something's empty doesn't mean it lacks its own unique sense of worth.
As a very little me stands underneath this very large canvas of impossible beauty, I suspect I've just learned that true worth often comes in starkly built packages. Yet another life's lesson learned.
Your turn: Can there be beauty following a significant loss?
One more thing: Santa's winging his way across the planet tonight. OK, not really. He's a fraud, of course. A modern-day ruse cynically designed to sell more toys before the all-important retail year-end. But that hasn't stopped countless local TV news stations from filling their lineups with breathless stories about NORAD's Santa trackers (for the record, it's here.) Years back, I posted a funny missive about the Physics of Santa Claus that outlined scientifically why the jolly fat red guy is about as real as Pamela Anderson's chest and Jamie Lynn (and Britney's, for that matter) Spears's virginity. Click here for the original post. Enjoy, and have a great holiday if you're celebrating - and a great day off if you're not.
Oh yes, there can be beauty after a loss: keeping the memories alive can help to keep the beauty alive too: and part of being human is being able to continue to grieve, and yet still allow yourself to find humour again one day.
Michele sent me today,
I have had many confused grieving young friends turn to me for support and advice.
The beauty after loss is the perpetual love and memories that succour those left behind. Bolstered by reminiscences and photos, love never dies it merely matures.
I want 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' played at my funeral...
I often look up, when I take a pause in a hectic life, and wonder at the majesty of nature and it's ability to heal the broken-hearted and comfort the grieving.
When, as a teenager, I heard my real father had died I walked outside for a little 'chat' with Him Upstairs. But when I looked up I saw a canopy of stars spread on a dark blue velvet sky that was so beautiful I forgot to be angry.
Happy holidays to the wonderful Levy family - not forgetting the cute pooch, of course!
I came here to see you off my own bat, then I nipped over to see Michele - and she sent me back!
Happy Non-Christmas - and a peaceful New Year guys!
Trees are such wonderful metaphors for our lives. Shortly before Thanksgiving, I came across a tree in different stages of aging - leaves went from green to yellow to gold to orange to red to brown. It aches to be remembered in a poem. Then during Thanksgiving, from the window in my childhood bedroom, a bare branched tree lit up by the full moon. Another strong image, another poem. Your photo is beautiful and thought-provoking as well. Maybe a third poem is formulating.....
Awww...what a beauty to behold!
Out of sorrow comes joy. I'm always amazed by that.
Loss sometimes offers us a moment of gratitude as well.
Even when it is a loss of someone we love dearly. We eventually find the grace of thankfulness of knowing them and of realizing how much of an impact they have had on our lives.
I can't add much more to what breadbox and craziequeen have already said.
When one is going through grief, one wonders if the sun will shine again, or if the smile will come back, but they do.
During my time of loss, my faith has sustained me through the dark hours. Morning does come!
There is much beauty after a loss. The world becomes brighter, almost as if to make up for a significantly horrible time.
Super photo!
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and that 2008 will bring much prosperity, health and success!
Yes there is beauty after loss. Beauty in the memories. Beauty in the lessons we may have learned from knowing them. Knowing how lucky we were to had them in our lives at all is beautiful.
The photo is beautiful.
Absolutely yes! Just like the rainbow after the rain :)
Yes, very much so.....Trees are very much the epitome of the circle of life.
Just last week I took an eerily similiar shot out my back door.
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