Is this what the world has come to? First de-alcoholized beer, then decaffeinated coffee, and now this. As if a world of de-this, non-that and un-everything-else hasn't sucked enough fun out of the living process.
Slight disclaimer: despite my name meaning, literally, "my vineyard", I'm not much of a drinker. And I get that some folks might want to toast in the new year, or whatever, without worrying about running afoul of a DUI-seeking Officer Bob. More power to whoever has the good sense to drink responsibly. Or not at all.
But still. Call me odd (go ahead, you know you want to) but I don't much see the point of faux-anything. Don't want to drink? Have some OJ. Can't handle the caffeine in your coffee? Green tea beats the bejeebers out of artificially decaffeinated java any day. We're so intent on having our sugar-free cake and eating it, too, that we close ourselves off from whatever else may be out there.
That, and this stuff probably tastes like swill. Where's my apple juice?
Your turn: Am I being needlessly curmudgeonly? What would Andy Rooney have said?
One more thing: We're drinking up this week. Head here to be part of the Thematic goodness.
1 day ago
The non-alcohol drinkers in our family like sparkling grape juice at special events - but we would never think to call it "wine without the alcohol"
No, Carmi, you are not a curmudgeon. Just a tea has caffeine. I would take your argument to ice cream without cream or sugar. Yogurt that tastes sweet but has no fat. Just control your eating habits, folks. I love the real thing, whatever it is, and will just pace myself.
Well, 'non alcoholic' beer still does have a smidgen of alcohol in As far as your comment about 'having oj' well Andy might say " looks like non alcoholic drinkers might make a fool out of themselves while under the influence of the real thing?" or worse "they may just love the taste of alcohol and not know when to stop!" lol
I don’t drink much, but when I do it has to be the real thing. if I’m ‘duty driver’ it’s tomato juice for me.
Green tea does have caffeine.
(Call that the pro-green tea article, and here's the auntie.)
I feel the same way about faux meat lol.
I'd try it. I'm curious. I like the taste of wines. I don't always want the buzz of alcohol. I don't like sodas, sweet or acidic juices, tasteless teas. I like the real stuff, but there are times the real stuff doesn't like me. It's nice there are so many options on the back bar.
yeah, you're being needlessly curmudgeonly!!!!!
i kinda get your drift tho....
I tasted non-alcoholic wine back when i was pregnant with baby #1 (he's 20 now). It was... disappointing. I'd rather have cranberry juice or sparkling cider.
Near-beer (at least O'Douls Amber) tastes enough like a run-of-the-mill American beer that I'll have one, but I still prefer the real stuff.
Luckily, teens and youngers don't like fizz. That cuts down on the worries and the promises. ;)
I'm not much of a drinker either, but I've never been attracted to the non-alcohol substitutes. I prefer a totally different beverage. Now green tea is a different issue--love it!
Presented with the options of near beer, near wine or decaf, I'd probably opt for water.
If people like the beer taste but not the alcohol, they should try CasCal fermented soda. I recommend the 'with apples and anise' flavor. Be sure to chill it first, though.
I wonder if there are psychological effects from drinking "de" anything, something like taking placebos. I am thinking for an alcoholic in recovery this could very well set off the phenomenon of craving. But then again the market doesn't think of those who are in recovery, making a dollar in our capitalist society is more important then people it appears these days. There's my rant for the day, now that this is out of the way I'll bid you a goodnight.
yeah, I don't see the point in non-alcoholic drinks, you either drink or you don't and if you don't, alcohol drinks don't taste good anyways. It puzzles me. (I don't drink, except when my best friend is in town & then she orders me lemondrops :)
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