Getting ready for winter
London, ON, November 2011
About this photo: We're launching our newest Thematic theme, muted, and we hope you'll join in. Click here for more background.I'll start by apologizing for not being the most gracious of blog hosts of late. I haven't been visiting other Thematic participants this week. Come to think of it, I haven't been visiting anyone else's sites, either. I hope you understand, and I hope you continue to take part in Thematic even if I'm laying low for a few more days.
I went for a walk in the woods by the river yesterday, ostensibly to clear my head and reconnect with the forces of life that tend to go unnoticed in the urban everyday. I noticed how far beyond peak color we are, and how the now-almost-bare branches seem to be waiting for the inevitable first snow. As if they're ready for winter, ready to be buried for a while.
When I first set out for my walk through this greyish landscape, I thought it would be devoid of beauty. I thought blazing autumn color was the only thing worth capturing. It didn't take long to realize I was wrong. Beauty takes many forms, and when it's a little more subtle after the leaves fall and turn a crunchy brown, you just have to look a little harder for it.
It was worth the time. I think I'll take another walk next week. Who's game to join in?
Your turn: Take a photo - muted theme, which can be interpreted any way you wish - and post it to your blog. Or find something muted that you may have already shared. Leave a comment here letting folks know where to find it. Visit other participants and repeat as often as you wish all week long. For more background on how Thematic Photographic, our weekly photo-sharing extravaganza, works, click here.
The depth of perspective and field in this shot is quietly astounding. The photo gives voice to things that remain unspoken, adds a special grace to the Silence.
Thoughts are with you, Carmi, and with your family as you navigate this difficult time.
Your visits are always welcome and your absence (and Silence) is also welcome (and understood).
The severe cold has a way of dampening and sharpening sound, all at once. Photo equipment doesn’t last long at -40, but here’s a shot from the Muted One, taken yesterday.
Here is my muted scene; http://fredamans.blogspot.com/2011/11/thematic-photographic-muted.html
I took this theme two ways... :-)
Here's my contribution.
I love that picture, with the focus on the branches in the foreground and the background out of focus, or muted. I'm looking forward to finding something that works for this theme. And take a few days off to recoup. We'll still be here when you come back.
Carmi, what a great place to get lost and then find your way out again....a lovely spot indeed! I have my muted ready too...and no worries Carmi you know we're always keeping in touch with you too as best we can...take care!
Writer, I did click on it and it's very awesome...Chrissy your post rocks as well!
This is a beautiful picture, Carmi. So melancholic, and so clearly realised.
Please don't apologise for being muted in terms of the blogosphere; it is understandable, and allowed.
I've been feeling less than vibrant myself. These are my choices for this theme.
Take all the time you want. Life sometimes leads us away from the busy and routine for a reason...
Linking up to your Thematic Photo with this post:
It's a couple months old...but it's the best feeling of "muted" I think I've had so far.
Loads of possibilities here! These are my efforts. May post more later.
You take your time, Carmi! We are not going to go away. Life can get a bit too much sometimes, I know. Thinking of you and your family.
Muted - colors? sounds? I think this qualifies - the fog and mist off the pond turned everything black and white until, slowly, a gorgeous day broke through. It seems to happen that way a lot.
Gilly- yours rocks too! Epecally the second one!
Great picture!
Here is my post: http://kelsea-livelovegive.blogspot.com/2011/11/muted.html
How sometimes we can escape from the noise and chaos for a little while and the world becomes muted...
I deliberately didn't check out anyon else' posts before coming up with this. http://bit.ly/vMuv9y
While I was looking for some of my fog/inversion pictures, I ran into these. Not muted, but something that was saved from being muted.
My muted photo.
You are right - we are usually attracted to the bright, the colourful, the splashy. Looking beyond that, though, to the quiet, the soft, the hidden, is more rewarding. At least in my opinion. :)
When life hands you a shock, it is good to look for quiet.
Another set of 'muted' pictures of mine are here.
I have really enjoyed looking at everyone's pictures, some great stuff out there!
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