Friday, July 26, 2024

Red flowers in the checkout aisle

Pleasant surprise
London, ON
July 2024
This photo originally shared on Instagram

Flowers in a checkout aisle serve as a gentle reminder to slow life down and appreciate the little things that present themselves to us in the quietest of ways.

I’d hate to think what we’d miss if we just walked on by.

I’d hate to miss an opportunity to make complete strangers furrow their brows at the sight of a grown man going into photo-sesh mode as he waits for the cashier to finish up with the customer ahead of him.

Life is short. Take the shot. Wherever and whenever the inspiration presents itself.

That is alll.

#ldnont #london #ontario #canada #farmboy #grocery #store #red #flowers #shopping #retail #stilllife #apple #iphone #shotoniphone #photography

After the rain, May 2018
When sunflowers bloom, October 2012

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