Sunday, June 14, 2020

A year...

Like father, like daughter
Laval, QC
August 2016
This photo originally shared on Instagram
A year ago today, my wife lost her dad, our kids lost their Zaida Irving.

It hardly seems like a year, but time has a funny way of moving faster than we’d like, of slipping away from our grasp no matter how tightly we try to hold on.

We thankfully carry a lifetime of indelible memories both of and with him, and I’m comforted by the fact that our kids knew from an early age just how special he was, and how much he adored them. They continue to share stories, experiences, moments, and they always smile, from the inside, as they tell them.

I’m also comforted by the memories my wife carries, that she had the kind of father-daughter relationship with him that any child could ever hope for.

This life thing is hard. It isn’t forever for any of us. We will all lose those closest to us, and we will all eventually be lost, as well. Which is why our sole priority should ideally be making the most of the fleeting time we’ve been given.

Looking back at the overlap between our lives and his, I smile at the fact that we all did indeed make the most out of the time we had with him, and we’re better people now because of it. He lived life well, and we were lucky to have had him. Anyone would have been.

Still, I wish the universe played by different rules.

#dad #zaida #family #everything


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