Apologies to R.E.M. for bastardizing the title to their classic tune. I had no choice.
The media circus that is my life seems to have taken on a life of its own.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) just after the 2:00 p.m. ET newscast, I'm going to be on Toronto's CFRB 1010 radio station. I'm talking about work-life balance, and the fact that the proliferation of mobile technology has made it increasingly easy for employees to take work home with them - and for companies to take advantage of that fact.
We're sending a press release on this topic to the wires first thing in the morning, so I'm hopeful that we'll generate even more buzz for this important issue.
The Motts (more precisely the husband-wife team of Carol and Paul Mott) will be interviewing me, and you can listen to the live stream by clicking on CFRB's home page, then selecting the big red Listen Now button at the top of the page.
I hope you can tune in. And if you're somewhere in Canada and want to call in to add some fun to the proceedings, so much the better!
Update, Tues. 8:30 a.m. The press release is now online: Employees Feel Obligated to be Available 24/7, Says Survey from Info-Tech Research Group
Your turn: Do you feel obligated to take work home with you? How do you set limits when your professional life threatens to bleed into your personal one?
1 day ago