Sitting at lunch with my colleagues recently, I noticed a strong shaft of sunlight beating down on a glass of beer. The colors and shadings grabbed my attention, and although metering a severely backlit subject is difficult at the best of times, it wasn't as if I was wasting film in the process. So I pulled out the camera and, to the good-natured banter of my compadres, set up for a few quick captures before our lunch was served.
I've commented previously on how light can make the same scene appear completely different, and this truth holds when looking at - or through - any kind of liquid. It's a scene I've photographed before, but one I think I'll be returning to when I next see a flash of light through a glass. I'm strange that way.
I couldn't pick my favorite of the two, so I posted both.
Oh, one more thing: the beer wasn't mine. I was driving that day, so it was iced tea for me. Not as photogenic. Thanks to Mark for allowing me to hijack his beer momentarily.

Your turn: I'm taking suggestions for beverage types and vessels for possible future picture-taking. Go nuts!
Tell me that was your beer... and tell me that wasn't some of your bottom shelf swill like a "Blue Light."
You know, it reminds me of some photos I took whilst celebrating my sister's 40th in Port Dalhousie, ON. Some of them are among my favourites because of the $5 and scattered loonies in the foreground and soft focused bartenders/patrons in the back.
Booze shots are always classics. I got some so-so shots of a bottle of Red Bicyclette and a half full glass. Nothing says classy like vino.
Milk and cookies are good subjects as well.
here via michele today, carm.
Great shots...
I've always fancied getting a shot of soda water. It is always so much more bubbly than any other liquid I've seen.
Here from Michele's today.
Oh.. I just caught the 'beer wasn't mine' part.
sure, it wasn't.
okay - you've got me...now I need to post that picture of beer from Oktoberfest 2006 (yes, in Munich, Germany).
I personally like the second shot - like the shadow from the glass as well as how the light cuts through the liquid and the reflection it made.
Champagne. Go big.
Hi from Michele's this morning.
I have a photo of a Shirley Temple drink on yesterdays post. It's red! I think beer is the most photogenic drink. Here's to you, Carmi! and michele.
Here from Michele.
Again, minds think alike. We had Thanksgiving dinner at a cafeteria and I took pictures of my iced tea... glass full and almost empty, with the added lemon. Also, colorful pie plate with crumbs and a fork still sporting that last bit of peach pie filling...
I personally like the second picture better... it soothes the eyes. As for what to shoot... anything!
Bubbling ginger ale might be interesting or... pink lemonade!
Hey, that's my beer! Cool pics Carmi...I prefer the second shot as well. Amazing that an innocent looking pint of beer sitting on a table can be such a photogenic subject. And no prego, it's most certainly not a Blue Light...Keiths if I remember correctly.
Michele sent me, Carmi.
I'd avoid the beer also and go with iced tea--heavily sugared!
My suggestion would be colorful Jello shots on a nice backdrop. Say a college student's navel, for example. Now that would be a lovely picture, Carmi! (I don't know if Morah Mommy would agree to this tho)
I love those shots. I was similarly inspired yesterday (photo posted on my blog), but the beverage in question was mine...all mine. I'm glad I'm not the only one who whips out a camera to take pictures of stuff on a restaurant table.
My suggestion would be for bubbles. Something bubbly, whether it's champagne, or sparkling or boiling water.
nice pictures, as usual!
Michele sent me today. :)
Now I want a beer. And it's not even 10am. And I don't even really like beer. So I blame you.
Michele sent me!
Girly drinks might make for spiffy photographs. Also fun might be a clear liquid with ice cubes in it made from fruit juice...if you picked a clear but colorful juice like cranberry the results might be interesting.
Pepsi, of course...don't you think the bubbles would make awesome pictures? ;)
Michele sent me today, although I love visiting here anytime! :)
Red wine as it can come in so many glorious variations of red, from very deep to actually quite pale.
Here for my Friday visit from Michele's.
You make beer look so freaking good. I always thought it looked so tasty, but I HATE the taste.
Fizzy root beer. That I'd like to see a picture of.
I'm thinking a cosmopolitan. First, it is a pretty color and with backlighting...ooh. Second, when you are done photographing it, I will gladly take it off your hands. :)
Michele sent me!
Hi Carmi, here via Michele today.
You have quite the eye for photography, which makes you a great writer as well, in my opinion.
As for your suggestions... if you can find it, nothing is as beautiful as a glass of sparkling shiraz -- that beautiful ruby color and the bubbles would make for an interesting subject. And a fun toast afterwards. Cheers!
Shots of drinks... hum... got many of those from last summer !
I would suggest a shot of Cremant ; the bubbles are bigger than champagne therefore catching more light...
Michele sent me ; have a great weekend !
This is the bottom of the glass you've reached!
Michele sent me here.
I vote for Milk!
Hello from Michele's again today and Thanks for visiting me too....
I tried to do the beer shot from my blog with cola - but it wasn't very good....
hmmmm...vessels...a clear vase...filled with water and stems...shoot! I could have done that last week...but the roses are gone now....
how about a nice cut glass wine goblet with a rose or chardonnay in it?
Michele sent me!
Black coffee in a Dixie Cup
Light, sweet Texas crude in a thimble
Orange juice in a pewter konk
Buttermilk in a aquarium
I can't decide which I like better. I like rampant bicycle's suggestion with the ice cubes for your next picture.
Michele sent me!
How about a bottle of that Apple Juice that is clear...? The color is so beautiful...Another interesting liquid that has a beautiful color is Goji Juice...an almost purple-red clear liquid..Also, very very good and exremely healthy for you!
Beautiful pictures Carmi, as always!
Michele sent me here today, but you know I am a "regular"...(lol)
Wow, pretty. You could do print ads for Molson, or whoever. Light does make all the difference.
Good to see you by.
If you throw tomatoes as a distraction, you'll ahve to choose ones not too ripe and not too hard, eh? :)
Michele sent me by power of boomerang.
I tried to take a shot of my Coke glass with my cell phone camera a while back--from above, looking down into the glass, nothing left but ice and froth--but it didn't turn out too well. I'd share it, but I have no idea how to get the pictures out of my phone...
That's a really cool picture!
I like how it looks warm although I'll assume it was quite cold.
A picture of a beverage-I say get the top of a latte or a cappuccino. Something frothy and thick. That would be an appealing picture since I'm jonesin' for a cup right now.
Here from Michele's. [Long time no see]
Umm beer!
i have a favorite martini photo.
i'll make it photo of the moment so you can see.
What about a black and tan in a traditional pilsner? I know it's not really going to let the light through, but I always liked the contrast, and how the two stay seperated.
And I like the second picture better, more colors in it.
Here from Michele's today
I like the second one best I think. Suggestions...ugh, hard one...or not, since it's the holidays, go for hot drinks...think what you can capture with the steam rising off of them!
after a day in the dentist chair, I want one of those - thank you for not drinking when you drive!
a nice cut crystal glass with some brandy or other amber liquid :-)
My favorite is the first photo and I have to say....a champagne flute with that amber liquid inside and perfect lighting would be great.
Thanks for directing me here Carmi. Love the post and the shot. One down....99 to go! Take care this week.
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