Please remain seated
London, Ontario, March 2007 [Click to enlarge]
It's just before midnight, and my wife has just dropped me off at the shuttle terminal where I am about to begin my journey to the other side of the continent. The plan is to drive to Detroit and pick up my early morning flight. I'm leaving just before midnight because the prospect of waking up at 4 a.m. and making a mad dash into Detroit while I stare at the clock isn't my idea of stress-free travel. Better to get there early and enjoy some free time in the airport (see the apple juice pic for the result of this philosophy.)
While I wait for the two grandmas in the older-than-my-grandparents waiting room to finish discussing the finer points of knitting, I wander outside and happen upon an empty bench under a single light. I have a thing for starkly lit nighttime scenes (see here and here), so I instantly think this is a worthwhile first picture for my just-begun adventure.
As I compose it, I think of the people who have sat here for the better part of a generation. Some may have just left home, and were waiting for a shuttle to take them far away. Some may have just gotten back from wherever they were, and anxiously sat watching for someone they knew to round the corner and pick them up. Either way, this is not a destination, but a transient place where people really don't want to spend time, because they all have somewhere better to go.
Your turn: Imagine sitting on this bench for any length of time. What do you see?