Woodstock, ON, June 2008 [Click to enlarge]
For reasons that still make little sense to me, movie soundtracks and scores move my soul. Somehow, music composed expressly to accompany a motion picture seems to tell a story in every note. It can either make me think, or it can take me away from whatever disturbing reality surrounds me at a given moment.
As I pulled over by the side of the road in this rolling stretch of southwestern Ontario farmland, a tune from the Jerry Maguire soundtrack was playing on my media player. His Name is Alive's "Sitting Still Moving Still Staring Outlooking" filled the car with a soft guitar-based ode to lives in transition. The song makes me think about where we've been and where we'd like to go. And how we'd like to get there.
It was one of those peaceful moments where you're glad you stopped to smell the roses. I need to do this more often, I thought. So as I saw this car approach from the horizon, I knew I could tell a similar story with the help of the car's side-view mirror. Sometimes, art imitates life, which in turn imitates art.
Your turn: Looking back. Looking forward. Please discuss.
One more thing: This photo continues this week's Thematic Photographic theme of glass (okay, it's reflective, but it's still glass.) Just two days left to share your glass-themed link in a comment before I post the next TP theme on Wednesday evening. Please click here to see what everyone else has been up to this week. Caption This is also taking suggestions, so fill that mug of tea and have fun.
Looking forward/ looking back,
life blends...images blur...
I live in a place that reminds of of my childhood so many similarities some days I wonder if I ever three months we move back to the place we left almost 4 years ago.
I am looking forward to going back.
I love to come here because your words are little gifts in the quiet of the day.
The best soundtracks seem to be those you kinda notice in the background as a counterpart to the film. They merge in with what the film is trying to show, instead of clashing.
Iron Man's soundtrack works really well there, although I've not bought it yet. Conan the Barbarian's soundtrack has a definite feeling of freedom with it that fits the film. Same with the Ennio Morricone soundtracks.
It's kinda like the modern classical music isn't it ? Instead of accompanying opera, the show it's supporting is a moving image ...
The synchronicity in the blogosphere today is uncanny. For evidence, check out Gord's latest post on It Strikes Me Funny. I feel like I should go out and shoot something in my side view mirror just to complete the circle!
It's interesting you should bring up soundtracks in this context.
Looking back, I've often pondered the question what songs would be included in the soundtrack if they made a movie of my life.
Looking forward, and more to the point, would they be songs I actually liked?
These days I listen to soundtracks more than I listen to other albums. There's something about a set of songs forming one cohesive feeling or becoming an explosion of different feelings all at once that I relish.
As for looking back, I tend to look to the past a lot, and it can be a bad thing. I'm trying to learn to look forward more.
I think movie music can be so awe inspiring at times, and I always wonder if everyone is noticing it too. The older I get, the more I look back.
I love this shot and the movement of the other vehicle. Reminded me of one I posted over a year ago.
April 10, 2007
I've had a run of ineptitude this week that's resulted in me accidentally nuking comments that I had intended to publish. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
I'll be re-posting two comments that were left earlier this evening.
First up, Heidi:
This is a great photo...
The last place we lived made us want to come back home. Recently, we thought we were moving away once more and then ended up staying and falling in love with Des Moines all over again... We have had a lot of emotional perspectives looking forward and back... I tend to look forward easier than looking back (I am so critical of myself, so forward with hope and faith is easier, I guess).
Again... awesome shot, Carmi.
Heidi's blog, Heidi's Moments, is here:
A highly recommended read.
Tonight's second almost-but-not-quite-lost comment comes to us from Jim Baldwin, aka TarBabyJim:
I know this is a little off the subject but, I love soundtracks too.
I am trying to get the attention of Ang Lee and Focus Films about the movie they are making. I would like them to use a song by Melanie in the movie"Taking Woodstock. Wish me luck!
My site also also promotes Melanies induction into the rock and roll hall of fame.
If you have time, please visit my little fan site.
I'm back. I've got to admit I admire the drive to get this talented artist recognized and rewarded. There is indeed goodness in the world. Welcome to our slice of it, Jim!
I'm not sure about reflecting back, but the soundtrack to Last of the Mohican's I've always found especially moving.
My thought is how quickly our future turns into the past. We see those life-changes coming, particularly in our children and yet they're somewhere behind us in an instant.
In the rear view the memory is warped. Time takes away details that were important when that memory was made. All we have left is a small refection of where we have come from.
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