Yellow petals
London, ON, September 2010
[Please click here to share your yellow-themed perspective]
The world can be an ugly place. Flowers make it prettier. Please discuss.
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
USUALLY, flowers make it prettier.
But, today... with rain and drizzle and clouds and a cold to stop all colds... not even flowers can take the headache away. Counting instead on the Advil.
When one feels as bad as SRP does now, it is hard to look at anything and see the beauty - however - flowers enrich my life every day and I am so grateful!!
Thanks for the visit and the nice comment about our meet-up. If YOU had been there - it would have been perfect!
i like your sunflower, its got more depth than mine..:-)
i never met one i didn't love.
hi i couldn't reply by direct email, i guess yours is not enabled, so i came back to say how glad i am to hear your enthusiasm about your divinely inspired process. very excellent!
My post on Spider Mums:
Ohhh...that's beautiful.
Flowers definitely make it prettier. Bought orchids for work today and wanted to name them "Sugar" or "Sweetheart."
Stopped by after visiting Susan at stony river. Your "simple acts of kindness" line made me stay to read for a while. :)
Sunflowers are aptly named and can brighten more than the room. It was gray and ugly here today....THAT flower brightened up my whole day. Thanks!
So glad I waited until evening to read/view this pot.. What a lovely vision to carry me off to zzzzz-land!!
Your sunflower is so perfectly calming, and very a taste of paradise at the end of a long day...I too have a calming photo to post. Thanks for sharing the beauty of a simple flower!
So beautiful :D
To quote something I read recently "a flower is the earth's laughter" or something like that. Flowers are very therapeutic and if I could I'd have a fresh arrangement in my house, in several rooms, at all times.
Metaphorically and literally, flowers indeed make the world such a pretty place !!
Wonderful picture !
Those petals remind me of flames, and flowers spread sunshine nearly as well as flames spread heat.
Flowers definitely make the world brighter.
Especially if you look at them while eating a frosty ;-)
Flowers do for my eyes what chocolate does for my soul.
Hmmmm... This post of your last of the Yellow seems a bit cynical to me, but alas, somewhat true.
I must admit that the flower has made a great subject over the years, I particularly enjoy the strength of the tulips of spring. I have in my library somewhere pictures of the yellows and reds standing their ground as a sign of spring to come through several inches of new fallen snow. They will NOT let their beauty hide.
There are moments in my life I feel the world offers a beauty often overlooked.
And on a different note, I chose to close Yellow with more cars.
Now to anticipate the next theme.
I find at times I am long winded, to those who find this true I apologize.
Thank you
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what a gorgeous picture...phenomenal
When are you going to have a photo exhibit, Carmi? This is particularly stunning!
Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers! :) flowers make me sneeze, but I love them anyway lol
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