Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Leafy droplets from Sobeys

The Sobeys grocery in the northern part of town is a great 24-hour store that sets itself apart by being family-owned. As a result, it offers the kind of personal experience that you don't seem to get in stores of this size.

It isn't always the least expensive place around, but as many of you have kindly commented under my recent supermarket rant entry, absolute dollar savings mean little when the experience is hellish.

One nice byproduct of this particular store's focus on quality is its produce section. The stuff is usually really fresh, brilliantly displayed - and lit - and regularly sprayed by a fine mist.

The results, as the leafy image above can attest, are pretty darn delish.

(Click the image for the really big picture.)


birdychirp said...

how lovely - I much prefer that sort of shopping experience - better for all of us!

Christine said...

I just love your pictures, Carmi! This one is beautiful!

kenju said...

I saw an image very similar to this on my deck this morning, Carmi. The dew had fallen in a mist and was coating the leaves of my poinsettia plants with tiny droplets of water. It looked like the leaves were covered with talcum powder, hntil I looked close enough to see that it was mist.

Photominer said...

Why is it that every grocery store displays their prices as $/lb but when you get to the register its rung through as $/Kg? I miss Sobeys, had it on the east coast, not so much on the west. Hi Carmi!

Sissy Willis said...

The light fantastic

dena said...

We have a similar place in our area called "The Fresh Market." It's the produce, seafood, butcher and bakery that set it apart from other chain grocers. The lights are lower, the celings dropped, and the music nice and relaxing. Oh, and the sell the best coffee beans.

visting from michele's today