Yet another color-related photographic perspective. Third in a series. Click here and here for previous entries. Let me know if you're getting sick of them.
When you walk into a restaurant and it has one of those giant aquariums in the waiting area, do not be intimidated by the dinnertime crowds. Do not be afraid of the hostesses who give you dirty looks for spending just a little too much time staring at the fish.
I grabbed this image while waiting for a table on a recent work-related trip to Boston. The place was jammed with people, and it took them a while to seat us. So to make the time go faster, I took out my camera and explored the aquarium. This one gets to me because of its subtle colors and textures.
I didn't think any of them would come out. Aquariums are notoriously difficult to shoot well. Frankly, my hit rate was way down because I spent so much time hoping the fish would stand still. But the still-life stuff came out pretty neat.
Your turn: Anyone who's been reading me long enough is likely familiar with my belief that beauty exists in the most unexpected places. Where else can it be found when you're out at night? I'm looking for inspiration, and I know you'll be able to share some in a comment.
I love the way the dark of night creates sihouttes that don't exist during the day. Especially with trees. Or even people. And shadows on architectural elements and iron gates. They look so much more magical without the abruptness of light from day.
oftentimes, just staring at the sky on a clear night is enough for me. :)
When we were in Las Vegas we had a great view of the Strip from our room. My husband thaought it was beautiful all lit up at night. I really didn't see it that way. It was colorful though.
When your page loaded this morning I saw this image emerge and inhaled as I said "Wow." It's been a rough start to the day for this frazzled mom. Thanks for the reminder that beauty is all around us.
Other places? I'm always sort of fascinated by the water pooling and draining in drinking fountains. Am I weird? Let's see, night time stuff? The moon shimmering off a body of water (even a puddle). Sleeping peaceful animals/children (sometimes one and the same - remember I'm a frazzled mom today).
I'm all about beauty in unlikely places... I think that's why I'm continually drawn here.
I've always had a thing for lighting on industrial buildings and factories. Sometimes you seem them just lit up like Christmas trees.
Mind you, this sort of thing can be a trying subject to capture on digital film. I've found the best bet for nearly any night digital photography, is to suppress the flash, and use a tripod to get a nice steady timed exposure.
Just look up!
Here from Michele's this time.
That's a beautiful picture!
I always find lighted fountains really beautiful at night, or bridges which are lit up from a distance...which reminds me I really should go get a shot of our local bridge landmark now it has new lighting...
Here from Michele's...hi!
Hey Carmi. Long time no see. Hope you are well. So... night time scenes... I just love to look at store display windows lit up at night. I've taken some cool shots that make the color all strange and wonderful.
Lovely shot Carmi. I live out in the sticks, so I only have to look out my window to find new and lovely images.
Have a great weekend.
At night? Neon. Not beer-signs, though that's about all it's used for these days...
And playoff hockey in a bar.
Nice to see you. Here via Michele today.
(PS - I had a heck of a time photographing my niece's tank this week. You're right about aquarium photography.
Very subtle. How about a frothy beer in a pub? Outdoor night photos are hard to take, no? michele says hi too.
Some of my all time favorite photos I've taken were at Fenway Park at night. Not when the ballpark was open, but when it was closed for the season. Fenway takes on a totally different look once the season ends, and it becomes a lonely, almost mythical place. The shadows, the bricks illuminated by my flash, the entries all closed up. I like the juxtaposition between the livliness of summer and the sadness of late fall, once the October race for the Rings has ended.
What restaurant was the aquarium in? I go to one in Cambridge that has a great salt water tank.
Here from Michele today.
Legal Seafoods. It was the one near the Quincy Market. Lovely restaurant!
Oh, that is a beautiful shot!! Great color!!
Stopping by via Michele today!!
Shadows can be quite beautiful and sometimes more "telling" than the objects which created them. Having just returned from DisneyWorld, I can say that nighttime images can delight in ways that daylight ones never can. The sparkly, twirly things they sell there are a true delight for adults (as well as kids).
Michele sent me.
Neon lights reflected in rain puddles from a storm that just passed.
Streetlights when it's foggy out, silhouetted against majestic trees.
In the deep country away from city lights, watching the millions of stars in the Milky Way and counting the meteors that flash across the night sky.
Here from Michele this time my friend. :)
Back again, a very clear sky here tonight. Michele's etc.
That's a beautiful shot. Next time we go to Red Lobster, I'm going to remember my camera.
I'm here from Michele's but I come here all the time.
How ya doin?
Me inspire you? Not possible! You're already the most inspired writer and photographer that I know. But I love this photo and it's a great way to wait for a table. Too bad I didn't think of that when my kids were little and we were going out to eat!
Here via Michele's today. Hope you're enjoying the weekend!
Here from Michele.
Hard to capture. Usually 50 bad shots to catch one by chance, but lightening is wonderful.
Also the moon. I don't know why it works at times and other times it is just impossible. I would love to get the moon reflecting in a still lake.
Lightening bugs at dusk. Sunset at the ocean. (would have to be at the other end of the country)
So many pictures to try, so little time.
Hi from Michele's, Carmi!
Wow, pictures at night, huh? The most beautiful picture I ever got at night was a campfire and the face of my friend reflected in the flame. I used a normal point and shoot 35 mm with the flash off and 800 speed film. Actually, now that I'm going digital I am really missing 800 film; I used to use it exclusivly in all conditions. Cost more, but what wonderful pictures!
do you know that you are a wonderful photograpger? i absolutly LOVE your perspective! I haven't been over in a while cause i'm so busy but i see i have a lot of catching up to do!
last time i had my camera out, i was thinking... if i was carmi, what would i take a pix of? and darnit if i just can't come up with something. you are talented in the photography area...
this pix is beautiful! who would have thought to take pix of a restaurant aquarium? why, carmi, of course!!!!!! keep it up! i love your pix!
Another great picture. I like the look of lights in the rain at night or when it is foggy.
Michele sent me this time.
I love fireplace at night pictures but they are notriously hard to get.
I love the aquarium shot so pretty , almost like a little girls fantasy fishbowl.
Michele sent me but I have been remiss in popping over lately.
Carmi: Beautiful photo. I was told some years back that the reason Dental offices have the large fish tanks are to "soothe" nervous patients. To be honest, I never connected the two. But I can see the distrat=ction would be beneficial. Lately, I've been photographing rare cars of the past, as I have loved cars since age 6.
Michele sent me, Carmi.
The night is the best time to take photos for people like us, Carmi. It's difficult to know just how the picture will turn out so experimentation is the name of the game. Play with using a flash or not. Crank open the f stop and use a hand held flashlight for spotted illumination while holding open the shutter--Hell, anything goes.
My favorite thing after dark is to experiment with the shape of trees against the sky during extended open shutter times. My camera only goes to 60 seconds but when you go past that things get really interesting. I used to play around with that in my 35mm SLR days.
I didn't get all that much play on colors in your picture, Carmi, at the small size in your blog so I was quite shocked to see the subtle interplay of color when I looked at it in the larger size. I suspect the original size is quite breathtaking.
Back again from Michele.
I thougth of something else I would love to catch on film... children playing with the bubble makers, pets chasing them, the colors of the bubbles against a blue sky, those sorts of things.
wow! i just love the colors, and the texture. amazing shot.
opps, also hello from michele.
Hi Carmi- I was here earlier on my own. THis time Michele sent me. I love your photography.
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