I had to keep the kids away from the dining room table so they wouldn't eat the subject before I had a chance to take a picture of it. I know that wafers are crumb-producing, bland-looking, bland-tasting excuses to drink more tea, but I liked how they were sort of jumbled on the plate and thought the scene would make for an interesting shot.
Your turn: Should I try something similar with chocolate chip cookies? What other snack foods deserve their time in the photographic sun?
Bland or not, I can eat those things one after the other. Michele sent me today. How about potato chips?
You've made me hungry now! :D
Here via Michele's.
I like to peel them apart and eat them layer by layer.
Now I'm hungry!
I love wafers..we have pink ones over here. Yum!
But hey, I am supposed to be losing weight here people! lol.
Great pic Carmi!
Take Care
Ivoryfrog x
Somehow "Stacked" brought another subject to mind and oddly enough it also gave me oral urges.
Those are lovely snacks, Carmi. Nice picture! My favorite snack pictures that I've taken are the insides of packaging. Especially a few I took of the inside of a metallic peanut bag.
Michele sent me!
Anything with chocolate, cookie or otherwise, is always a good idea.
I would think the round vanilla wafers would work as well.
Here via Michele's
i love those kinds of cookies.
hi from michele
I love those waffers!!mmmmmmm
I say no to chocolate chips...to ordinairy,
go for sherbert...melty sherbert =0)
Here TODAY via michele, here other days just because I wanna
That's a very cool picture, and actually makes me really want to eat some wafers now! In fact I think we have some pink wafers....mmmmm
Here from Michele's today!
I sort of like those cookies, if the chocolate in them is passable. Sometimes those slightly bland snacks can be quite addicting.
Choc chip cookies definitely deserve their time in the spotlight. Piles of M&M's or Skittles would be cool too. Speaking of, have you seen the giant M&M's yet? I've seen print ads but not the actual things yet. I'm curious.
I so dig your eye. You always take bad ass snap shots.
Funyons, brother. Funyons don't get enough photographic love. And Snausages.
By the by - When I saw "What other snack foods deserve their time in the photographic sun?" I read it as, "What other snack foods deserve their time in the pornographic sun?"
I blame spring.
GOldfish. You can do a lot with a little smily goldfish.
Here via Michele
Nice shot!
How about celery sticks, apple slices, and peanut butter? ;)
Although that'd cause me an issue with drool and the keyboard. Gosh I love Oreos. With milk. Dunked in milk. YUM!
Oh and yes to the chocolate chips.
I love those wafers - particularly the pink ones! Or are they a UK thing?
I'm no photographer but wonder about whether you could get some good photos of flapjacks, if you got them at a good angle?
Reese's Peanutbutter Cups, of course!
Fig Newtons.
Organic ones with some really nice deep colors in the centers.
Got to go, I'm off to get one right now.
Great pics as always.
How about some chocolate? Here via Michele today.
ps. I love how you make the ordinary extraordinary.
I love those wafer cookies. Yum. And that's a delicious shot.
What about a pile of Goldfish crackers?
Oh YES! DO photograph a Chocolate Chip cookie IN CLOSE UP!..LOVE THEM
Here from MIchele today Carmi...I don't know how I missed this post before!!
Glad I saw it now!
I LOVE wafers. Not bland at all. Nuh uh. If they are bland you're eating the wrong ones.
If you're wanting to capture baked goods how about some cupcakes? Or if you're feeling adventurous some croissants....so close you can see the flakey buttery layers. Oooh now I want baklava. I'm gaining weight just writing this...and Michele sent me today although I have couse have you blogrolled.
ANY cookies! ALL cookies! There is no bad cookie! This picture makes me hungry. I must now go in search of cookies....
and why is it always impossible for me to remember to say that Michele sent me? :-)
I think a cheeto would look interesting. You could probably see a lot of depth. Maybe we could also figure out why our fingers get stained orange. I'd like to go to an executive meeting one day just after eating some cheetos and then shaking hands with everyone.
Can you make a plate of nachos look as pretty?
Like your (new? or just noticed?) intro to site around your pic on oatmeal and observing well before writing to make the world better.
Hi Carmi, Here from Michele this A.M. I meant to ask you what kind of cracker is this? I don't recomgnize it...Hmmmm Maybe it is a particularly Canadian one, or is it a form of a Matzo Cracker?
Just interested...I Love Food!
Definately bits and bites. Without question.
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