Five-year-old boys have incredibly fertile and inquisitive minds - so much so that I often have difficulty keeping up.
Our little guy was playing with some stuffed animals today when he suddenly stopped, looked up at me and asked how dogs and cats hug each other.
Your turn: How does a parent answer that one? What other doozies have your kids flung at you? How did you respond?
1 day ago
I'm not sure I'd know how to answer that one. You mean all those answers don't just come to you when you have kids?
I do, however, know how cats and dogs shake hands. :)
Lol. I wouldn't even know where to begin. Just shows yet again how not ready I am for kids! Good luck with that one :)
well, we have these "informative" commercials that run on our friendly Armed Forces Network (AFN)...they are more like public service announcements. So my daughter hears stuff I don't think she should be asking about, unfortunately....but she did ask me the other day, what is sexual assault (the announcement is all about "NOT IN OUR ARMY", etc). And I often get the "why are people driving so fast on the highway?" - since it IS the Autobahn in Germany and people drive 200 mph (well, not really, but close least 200 KPH, anyway)
Ha! Good one! I remember our son was in the bathtub when he was about five. He looked at me and said, "Mom, I know how babies come out of the mom's tummy, but how do they get in there?" I calmly yelled for my husband to finish the bathtime duty.
Stopping by to say hello. *waves*
Carmi... If you're interested, feel free to show your son the photos of my dog and cat together... in what I thought was a really sweet hug. These photos were taken when my dog was at his sickest, just before being diagnosed with diabetes.
And then you can say with all honesty, that yes... animals do show love and give warm hugs to each other. :)
My eight year old asked me the other day how we know what is true...
I think my repsonse would have been along the lines of "Most dogs and cats don't ike each other, so I don't think they'd be doing any hugging..."
Most out of left field question I got was when my son was 4 years old. He was sitting at the table having lunch, looked up and said, "Do you and Mike have sex a lot?"
(yes, he calls us by name...short, boring story...)
I just told him that was kind of personal and left it at that. LOL sheesh...
"How do ghosts eat? Hmmm? They got no moufes, you know."
My son just doesn't think like that yet. Oh, but what fun when he does.
When I was a kid, we had a cat and a dog. Sometimes they'd share a certain spot on the rug if it was sunny. They'd lie right up against each other and sometimes that cat would lick the dog's ears as if to clean them. That's the closest thing to hugging I ever saw them do.
let's see.... from my seven year old:
"Why does red mean stop?"
"Do baby birds miss their moms when they're gone?"
"When I'm 12, will I have a new face like Timothy (his older brother....I guess he's changed a lot)?"
"Which is bigger, heaven or God?"
"Does heaven have restrooms?"
Really. It wears me out! :) I love kids at this age. They just eat life!
Ok that does it...with this post I'm blogrolling you. My son has flung some doozies at me over the years.
My sense of humor often tends to be what some might call causitcally witty so I'd be tempted to reply to the question of the dogs and cats kissing with "They don't....if the dog is smart." Which of course would pose other questions. See how my mouth gets me into trouble at times?
the hardest is always, "but how come?" isn't it?
LOL, LOL...So Sweet!!! Michele sent me back one more time Carmi, so I surfed some more and came across this post. THAT was a great grerat question that your son asked. It is quite profound actually, don't you think? So, how DID you answer it?
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