The best thing about travelling for work is the trip home. Knowing what awaits when I land is enough to make even the most crowded, turbulent flight a happy one.
I took this somewhere over southwestern Ontario. I was on the last leg of my journey home from Dallas. I was in a Saab 340, whose small size and extreme noise and vibration were partially offset by the leather seats. The sky was a dull gray, but I held my camera in my hand, just in case.
I'm glad I did, because the sun briefly peeked out and changed the scene from drab to poetic. I knew this was a moment I wanted to remember.
It may just be a wing on an old, noisy plane, but it brought me home to three excited kids waiting at the airport, and a tired wife who was glad I was home.
Your turn: Got a homecoming story to share?
Wow. I've always wanted to capture flight in a way like this, and never quite got the job done.
A coming home story? I remember my first trip away from my son. He was just over a year old. My husband (with some of my dad's help) had three days hands on with no female-as-saftey-net. The boys had a blast.
I welcomed the chance to have that quality one-on-one time with my mom in another place. We spent the weekend shopping and having great fun NOT cleaning or cooking. Yet when the last day arrived I couldn't wait to get home. I remember walking in that front door and seeing the little smiling face absolutely shine and the small toddler voice cry out "MAMA!"
*THAT* was a homecoming!
Hello, Michele sent me - this really does say "homeward bound" to me. But I share your take on the best thing about work travel, so I'm kind of biased.
While I love vacations and staying in hotels, eating out and sightseeing, there really is nothing better than coming home is there? The house looks brighter and more welcoming. Unfortunately it's been so long since I've traveled that I can't think of a good homecoming story.
yes...the best part of going away, whether it be for work or pleasure is coming home! You breathe a sigh of relief, take your shoes off and get comfortable. I love it!
oopse, I forgot to mention I was over from Micheles.
I like traveling but coming home might be the best part. I look at everything with new eyes.
I can't help but think of the old Twilight Zone episode where there was a troll creature out on a plane wing....and only the one guy could see it. It scared the day light savings time out of me.
ill have to think on the story....
Every time I see a plane wing like that I can't help but think of the Twilight Zone and gremlins hanging out there...
Here via Michele this time!
here from michele's... i've not been good at reading my blogroll this week... busy for me... i see you're traveling again! i always love your pictures! such an interesting view! i'll be back later...
Love that pic! What a good dad you must be.
Great photo Carmi! Glad you are home safe and sound. I came home from Ireland after 3 weeks to find my furkids (I'm a dogma) so happy to see me they almost peed on themselves (and me too)!
Even if I'm traveling WITH my loved ones, I'm glad to get home to my house and my bed and my dogs -- you know, the comforts of home!! ;)
I just got home today from a new kind of trip--taking my oldest to visit a college she might go to in 2007. Just you wait, mister~,:^)
There is a quote about a moment choosing it's photographer...sounds like that moment chose to show itself to you. I am just glad you got home safely.
I hate flying....I hate waiting in airports...but we do what we gotta do.
Michele said hi!
oh lord I loves this image..
Great one
I remember flying those ratty little planes from Dallas...very disconcerting. My homecoming story? I was in New Orleans on business; I'd gotten a sinus infection while I was down there so I was feeling miserable the entire time. Going home my flight was canceled, it felt like forever to get home. We flew home in a torrential rainstorm. I was in the last row of the plane (so I knew I wasn't getting off the plane right away, and that's all I wanted to do was BE HOME). I remember being feverish, digging my nails into the armrests through turbulent skies. When I finally got home, I slept like a dead woman.
Dorothy was right! There's no place like home!
My favorite homecoming story... when Daddy returned from his deployment in Afghanistan safe and sound 7 months ago!
Here from Michele's!
Hey Carmi. Michele didn't send me, but she did remind me...
When Champs and I got engaged, he was still living in IL. It was a month after we were engaged when he finally moved to MN. All day I waited for him to come to his new home. My parents had spoken to him on the phone, but never met him.
I was in the basement when I heard the doorbell ring. My dad went to the door and welcomed Champs in. Once I realized it was him, I made my way upstairs on a dead run. My dad got out of the way just as I launched myself into Champ's arms. We still talk about the look on my dad's face when he realized that he needed to move or get flattened!
LOVE your blog. I'll be back! Oh yes, in your profile you mention that words can make the world a happier place. I couldn't agree with you more!
hello here via michele. The good ole Saab 340. Ex husband used to fly one of those. Probably will one day again, can we say LOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSER boys and girls? Oh sorry outside voice.hahaahahaha
Well, I love the 2 hour busride to Ottawa, that's home for Peter and I. Knowing that someone that loves us is waiting on the other end is a wonderful feeling. It is always nice to visit "home."
It is nice to go away, but even better to come home again.
Hey Carmi,
We went back to Atlanta in December after 7 years here in Adelaide...
Since the last time I was there many things have changed (including having 2 kids) but it still felt like home & now I know it always will be. Made the twenty odd hours of flying worth it :)
do you EVER sleep ?
I have a photo (somewhere) that I took out the plane window as we left Seoul, Korea. Whenever I see it, I remember that feeling...relief to be going home, sadness at leaving, and not knowing whether my tears were from joy or sorrow.
I'd been away from my family for nine months working as a nanny for a nightmare of a woman in Greece. It took me three days to get home because I had to fly Biman Airlines (Bangladesh Airlines) because the pay was so bad! Pretty desperate, huh?! I burst into tears flying in over Sydney Harbour. Coming home is the *best*. I'm here from Michele's.
Here's my story. http://wedsoff.com/2005_02_01_wedsarchive.html#110754343234045288
I bet the boys are excited to see you when you get home.
It could also look like a shark's fin. and I'm a little parasite on it.
Have you ever flown in a two seater plane? Fun and scary!
Great looking shot, Carmi. When we flew home from Tampa Bay to Britain, the plane was 36 hours late, so it was such a relief to get home.
BTW Michele sent me
Michele sent me, Carmi.
I've not had to do it often but I really hate flying in turboprops. They're so damn noisy and there's often a really annoying vibration in those planes. Back when I was often flying into Burlington Vermont I'd have to use them.
Happy Sunday to you and yours, Carmi.
The only one I remember is the homecoming after my first trip away after my kids were born. The youngest was four years old, and my parents were babysitting. The youngest one would not be consoled at my absence, so my mom gave her my bathrobe to sleep with and that made it better. Our homecoming after that trip was wondrous to behold.
What a beautiful picture Carmi. What camera do you use?
I make an annual trip to visit my family in Hong Kong during winter break. On my flight back to San Francisco in 2001, like many of my other transpacific flying experience, I was fast sleep shortly after United Airlines flight UA806 (yes, I will never forget this!) took off. About five hours after take-off, a violet turbulence woke me up. The buckle-up light panel was on while the old 747-400 fell (literally) a thousand feet. It was like being held captive on the free-fall ride at Six Flag Magic Mountain. The FAs scuttled back and forth the aisle pacifying inexperienced passengers.
That was when I really wished I would have landed safely in SFO soon. I could feel the the tremendous force of the turbulence which the airliner arduously negotiated to maintain its balance. I tried not to think too much of it and just put on my headphones. I could see the sweat beads on my neighbor's forehead and the suppressed whimper of some woman behind me. The flight was memorable.
Knowing that my friends with my dog would be waiting at the arrical hall helped me make through the flight!
HI Carmi: Well, I've been absent after covering almost 5,000 miles of highway in 18 days to 10 cities on business. I did not enjoy returning to the cold temps of the Mid-West from the Southeast where I'd like to relocate. But that will work itself out. BTW: The Saab 340 is a fine aircraft!!
I do have a nice story I read from Cyndi Lauper. She said that she had finished performing in a venue and was in NYC. She was walking down a dark corridor when Madonna and her considerably large group of handlers walked by. Cyndi said "Hi" and realized Madonna (or is it Ester now?) didn't recognize her! Cyndi said that Madonna had her wealth and handlers, while whe walked home alone and was thrilled to see her apartment lights on with her husband and son waiting up for her. She said "It doesn't get any better than this". Good to catch up with you, Carmi as always!
My last home coming was last summer, going out west to see family, on this trip home to alberta and sask I was bringing my fiancee to meet some of my family he hadn't yet met. I was also looking forward to showing him abit of the mountains where we actually grew up..not where my family is now. The closer I get to the rockies the better I feel, I have been in the east so long, over 22 yrs that I forget how safe they make me feel untill I am near them again.
Your photo also made me think of my soon to be inlaws who will be on a plane from France to Canada for the first time..it will be a different homecoming in the sense that they will be seeing their son's HOME here where he has lived for the past 4 years..and me ofcourse...They plan to be here the end of may for our wedding on the 9th of June...Let's all hope they like me as it will be another first for them and I, as we only know eachother from brief phone conversations......To finish by saying, HOME is where u make it..if you are surrounded by ppl you love and love you...it matters little where it is. When I am held in the arms of my man, I am home...when I hug my daughter..I am home...You know exactly what I mean because of all the reading I do of your blog, you are a great father and family man....So BTW welcome home from your trip lol.
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