March 28, 2006, 4:09 p.m.
Detroit-Metro Airport
Po waits for her luggage. She also shows her affinity for mid-range ERP and CRM applications from a certain software vendor.
Part of a continuing series of gnome-like character observations in the airports of the nation.
Your turn: What do you think Po did when the luggage didn't show and her Dad almost missed his flight home? What should Po have done? Should the Teletubbies be muzzled forever? Would you smile if you saw this scene in an airport?
So many questions...so little time.
I am sure that I would smile I think I would even laught out loud a little bit..
Over from the other Michele's.
I would defanintly smile if I saw this.
Here from Michele's
I smiled immediately...of course, Teletubbies rule the roost of a certain 2 y/o in my home, lol. Po just shrugged and said "paddit, paddit...big hug" and headed for the door. She probably should have kicked the airport people in the ankles, lol. Once my son outgrows the TT's, I don't care if they're muzzled...now Barney...THAT thing should be muzzled!
Enjoy your weekend!
That is a funny picture, Carmi.
I admit, I smiled when I saw the pic. And that is saying alot after being held hostage by the Teletubbies for five years...
if I saw this I would call a TSA employtee so they could "do absolutely nothing" about it. hahaha
dont you love michele?
Hey Carmi! Great blog. I absolutely LOVE photography!
Here from Michele.
Teletubbies came on the scene after Nyssa had passed that stage so I know very little about them or Barney. She is cute so I would smile.
i think i am the only one of my circle of friends that will actually watch the teletubbies with the kids. i think the show is adorable. my best friend's 6 year old has moved on now from teletubbies to the dreaded pokemon which just makes me insane. all that "pika, pika" drives me out of my head! :(
this would definitely elicit a smile from me. then i'd do what you did - take out my camera and capture it on film! :)
The Teletubbies are personally frightening to me. I didn't even know they existed anymore to tell you the truth. I thought they were a fad..like the Beanie Babies or something =)
Here from Michele's today!!
that is my foot coming down to squish the little bugger
LOL! I'd definitely smile.
And, if the luggage didn't arrive, and dad almost missed the flight? Definitely the Exorcist head-spin for teletubbie!
Here via Michele's today!
I laughed immediately when I saw the picture. I'm sure I would do the same in public ;)
Here from Michele's!
It's me again, Margaret ;)
Here from Michele's!
It looks to me as if Po is trying to run off with the bag!
Oops I am supposed to say Hello, Michele sent me. I am new to this!
Hi from Michele's....
I'd definitely smile if I saw this.
Shopping for new clothes lost in the luggage might be a good start.
I know that missing bag thing only too well. My all time best was finding the bag at the end of a trip when I was just about to return to UK. I managed to survive with judicious use of credit card and a Lufthansa 'lost luggage' pack.
Advantage was I managed to get a rather nice piece of Tumi luggage as a consequence of the experience!
And Hi, Michele sent me!
Of course, I would smile. I would assume that either the daddy was bringing the toy home to a child or that the child sent the toy along on the trip to keep daddy company! When teh luggage didn't show, Po said Pooh! and cussed out the airline.
I think that is a FAB photo and I would definitely smile if I saw a grown man taking a photo like that :-)
Is Po a girl? or a boy??
[still grinning inanely]
come on over if you want to learn a little more about the Queen....
oops - Michele sent me this time [blushes]
I'm not a big fan of the teletubbies, but i'd probably smile at a grown man carrying around a little stuffed one obviously for his child.
well...I was just here on my own, but now I'm over from Michele's!!
Hi Carmi,
I'm visiting from Michele's.
I would definately be smiling.
Michele sent me to see you Carmi. Hey there!
I think the teletubbies are moderately a force for evil in the world, but that's because I don't have kids. If I did---I'd want them banned for all eternity (along with that singing dinosaur) because they're so annoying. The teletubbies, that is, not the kids. I can handle singing Disney characters with better grace than Barney and teletubbies. :-)
Well, back to making some pita bread. I'm glad you had a good trip to Texas, Carmi.
If the luggage didn't show up Po would stand by the luggage carousel and say "Again, Again".
Po should have the luggage better.
Being muzzled forever is a little harsh, lots of kids would start crying.
It would bring a big smile to my face to see this, means a young child is nearby.
No I'd scream and run the other way!!! LOL
Here via michele today!
I smiled at the picture. I am sure that Po would summon LaLa, TinkyWinky and Dipsy and they would have a good giggle about it. Michele sent me today.
Waaah... you didn't come see me... ;(
Hello. Michele sent me.
I would smile, absolutely, if I saw Po. She's a nice break from the hectic chaos of an an airport.
Teletubbies are great...in small doses.
i have a very deep dislike for those creatures.
i would not smile but run away in fear, lol.
I would be greatly amused, and I would think to myself, "how great that Po grew up to find a rewarding career that allows her to travel to new exciting places!"
Found your blog through Heaven's.
Po would simply say "uh oh" then go pick up some tubby toast and custard to pass the time in the event of a delay. Teletubbies never bothered me that much. They were the most dependable babysitter I had...once upon a time, and they worked cheaply.
I took my Po with me when I moved to Greece back in 2000...my Po travelled with my luggage rather than in my luggage just as yours did! Nobody should muzzle the Tellytubbies..they're just too special!
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