The color parade continues...
As soon as my mother dropped this cake onto the dining room table, I knew I needed to remember it somehow. The colors don't, to the best of my knowledge, occur spontaneously in the natural world. At first, I refused to even consider eating a slice of this thing for fear it would mess up my insides.
I eventually had to bite the bullet when the kids' unfinished plates made their inevitable trip to Daddy's spot. Yes, I eat my children's leftovers with frightening frequency. No, I have not gained any weight in the process. No, I have no idea why that is so. Lucky, I guess.
But back to this cake. I haven't photoshopped the colors. I haven't punched the light levels. This is as it appeared when it first emerged from its cake cozy. Nuts, isn't it?
Your turn: Would you eat this? Can a weirded-out culinary color scheme make you shy away from certain foods?
I love the colors but I wonder....What did it taste like????
Hopefully chocolate. Chocolate is always good. Now I want chocolate.
Here from Michele's.
OK... I don't think I could eat that....
It looks too much like Fruity Pebbles in cake form....
I love the next shot of the coral... I like taking aquarium shots... Some day maybe I'll have to post some.
Why? Why colored? Why these colors?
I would rather have angel food cake with fluffy white frosting. But it probably tastes fine.
Here from Michele.
When I first saw it I thought it was layers of dyed wool! Yes, I would eat it; it looks like something I would love to dive into! And you're young; watch eating those leftovers. Generations of mothers in our family have been blaming their children for weight gain because the children wouldn't eat everything on their plates!
Michele sent me, Carmi.
I don't think I'd eat that--and it's because of the colors. But. There's a but here--colors like that bother me in cake but not all things. Like the Guppy said above, kid's cerial comes in colors like that and I'll eat Fruit Loops.
I guess some foods I expect to be colored weird and I don't mind but with others it does matter. Dye colored bread for some reason is especially disturbing to me.
WOW! That is some colorful cake! You MUST tell us what it tasted like. I'm with guppyman... I'm thinking Fruity Pebbles or Fruit Loops...
Here from Michele's this time!
Such a pretty cake, I would have to taste it..out of curiousity ;)
My husband relishes the boys leftovers too!
Oooops failed to mention previously..Michelle sent me :)
I would be the one to scrape the whole top layer off and leave the rest. Can't go wrong with chocolate. Michele sent me over again. Hope you have a great week.
oh I could totally eat that cake! my mom used to make a 3 layer cake similar to that only she made hers pink, yellow and green for me on my birthday... her signature birthday cake for the family... and for my brothers & dad she used blue, yellow and green! with homemade frosting... omg... it's the BEST cake ever! so I would def want to try this one and once again, another awesome picture from you! aren't you sure you want to be a photographer along with your writing career?
OY, more cake pictures !!!
he he he he
Yummy! Cake is Cake, if the kids eat it then why shouldn't you? Looks tasty to me. There are a number of great "pastry/cake" shoppes here in Montreal.
Looks a lot like a layered vegetable pie I make. A layer of onions (yellow), spinach (green), tomatoes (red) and mushrooms (brown).
So yes, I'd eat it. But I'd be disappointed, because I don't have much of a sweet tooth and I'd rather it be the veggie pie.
I could eat parts of it; the green is not so appetizing, but the rest is fine. I hope it was good!
Go to Google, click image and type in colorful parrot. :-)
You'll find those colors in nature, but they still do not look natural. I would eat the cake depending on how well you mother bakes.
Sure I would eat it for the simple reason that it is cake and all cake is good( except for stale Christmas cake... blach!)
How did it take Carmi?
Colour doesn't frighten me when it comes to food but texture sure does.
Hey, it's CAKE. No need to say anything more and of course I'd eat it, unless it had coconut. Food coloring is amazing sometimes.
I too eat leftovers from my kids but don't have the metabolic fortune that you have!
Ohhhhhh...I would eat that cake and probably want seconds. My brain would be thinking "food dye" and presume it's white cake dyed, and I love white cake no matter what color it's been coaxed into appearing as.
Umm... I'm on the fence on this one. It's baked goods. It plays by an entirely different set of rules. It's not likely I'd purchase it, but I wouldn't pass on it if offered (it'd be rude anyway.)
A colour scheme dilemma might arise if a conventional colour were replaced by something that's just not possible in nature. I wouldn't eat blue pasta, yellow broccoli or grey beef.
You just reminded me of a story, though. My brother and I were having drinks. He had a beer and I had a sake martini (though I can't remember what colour it was). He turns to me -
Brother - I ought to call you Don Cherry.
Prego - Why?
Brother - Because you two are the only ones who can get away with drinking that and not look gay.
Bon appetit.
i wouldnt want to eat it but i'd try a morsel as my kids had left it. i have to a bit like you do. hate to waste food.
i was having a similar dillema yesterday. at a friends house he has shiney gold chocolate covered nuts. i didn't have my camera with me alas. but theu were so shiney. that cannot be good for one. i ate a bout 6 or 7. yum.
Nah, I probably will pass this one! It looks like food dye. When I go get a burrito at the tacqueria, the burrito usually comes with totilla chips that are sometimes green, red and brown. I skip those too. :)
I'd shy away from it but if it was from someone I knew was a good baker I'd risk it. Oh..and I'd be sure to send the photo to the rude relative from the other day and say "Look another photo of cake!!"
Of course I would eat it. I grew up on cake like that. Our kosher bakery in LA was big on food coloring. So big, in fact, that they used to die white bread for my mom, who would have it sliced lenghtwise, then put spreads on the long slices and roll them up and cut them into slices. As kids we had the weirdest lunches in the world but we sure did have colorful ones!
Hey, it's just food colouring. Crazy food just makes you feel happier I say
What a freakin' cool cake! What IS it? I would taste it, of course. I want to go make a cake like that, now.
I wouldn't eat it because I thought it was carpet!
Looks too unnatural to be edible. Plus I wouldn´t trust the brown either,if they can add those colours it can "be" anything but chocolate. Do you think one bite contains the whole Mendeleyev table or just, say two third?
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