Just received word that Bill Gates is announcing that he will step down from day-to-day leadership of Microsoft in 2008.
I chatted about it with a really nice reporter from Agence France-Presse. I'll post links when they appear online.
(Update, June 19, 2006): Here's a hit from Le Figaro, Bill Gates se désengage de Microsoft pour se consacrer à l’humanitaire.)
Now, about that free copy of Office 2007...
Your turn: Why does the most exciting news always seem to hit at the end of the day?
1 day ago
it's a grand cosmic scheme to frustrate the people running the paper presses ... see, we can't leave when the end of our shift ends if the paper isn't done ... this has happened to me twice since I started my new job there ... which was last Friday ...
Hi Carmi! Michele sent me! I'm not sure why all the big news hits at the end of the day, except that maybe it's conveniently timed to keep you up for the 11:00 news?
Well, I'm fascinated as to why he is announcing this--BIG NEWS---two years before it is going to happen...? Do you undestand this Carmi? I think it's wonderful that he plans to devote himself to these wonderful things...I just don't get why he is tewlling us this now.?
Here from Michele tonight, my dear...
Why is he announcing this so soon? I know it is good buisness to give notice when you are going to resign, but this is a little extreme!
Here from Michele.
I heard he is going to go out and give money away to needy causes. Michele sent me
are u sure about that??
Michele sent me!
I have 300 shares of Microsoft, Carmi, so I hope this shakes up the stock some. It's certainly been in the doldrums.
I think the exciting financial news is often released just after the NYSE market closes at 4pm (EST) so that it won't jitter prices too much. Maybe news in general is late in the day so it'll hit the 6pm news. Or am I being cynical here?
I really respect Bill Gates and am impressed with his philanthropic mindset. I wish him Godspeed
Business news usually hits at the end of the day right after the market closes, so the analyists will have time to make their statements and then the Nikei (is that how you spell it?) opens up and the market goes wild!
Fun for the small investor!
Here via Michele
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