Continuing the theme of backlit subjects, I thought I'd share this one. It's a wine cooler that I subsequently drank - I know, try to contain your sense of shock that I actually consumed alcohol. It doesn't happen often, and when it does, there's usually a darn good reason for it.
But enough about my non-drinking problem. Let's talk photography: I'm a big fan of simplicity in composition. A simple curve, for example, can often be more memorable than a whole whack of them. But then you throw in the play of light on a seemingly bare surface and you end up with a picture that asks to be looked at again and again. Simple, yet complex. An enigma inside a paradox. Kinda like the guy who took the picture in the first place.
Your turn: I'm having fun with titles. This one's from one of my all-time favorite Devo tunes. Why do song titles often make such interesting titles for blog entries?
Oh, and while you're at it, what comes to mind in the first couple of seconds that you view this picture?
Because a good song title needs to be used over and over. Bad ones even more.
And I think I need a non-drinking problem too. I don't drink enough as it is. When I do, I type silly stuff.
I laughed too at the thought of you drinking a wine cooler. Not what I pictured you as. I would pick you as more of something on the rocks. Not as edgy as a straight up, but not a cooler. Dude, that's what teenage girls drink. :)
Cool pic, Here via Michele's today.
I really had no idea what it was. I like the glowing effect. I thought it was deliberately out of focus, but then I realized it wasn't.
I'm glad you explained it. I love song names titles because they are like puns that people recognize. (I had to Google that one).
Another great picture. I would have thought you would have been drinking a dark german beer, not a wine cooler. Here from Michele
Pickalish and I think alike! I also thought leg warmers - maybe because your title invoked jazz dancing for me (I don't know the song).
Michele sent me....again this morning!
Carmi, I pick song titles and lyrics for blog posts too. They are usually far more clever than anything I can think up.
My first thought was that looked like a cosmopolitan poured into a soda glass. Then I thought about how much I'd like a cosmo considering how hot it is outside. But then I realized it is only 8 a.m. here. I also realized it is probably 5 p.m. somewhere....
Have to admit...never thought of a song title for my blog entries before.
Great photo and when I saw it, I thought....refreshing, cool, silky, feminine.
Visiting from Michele's today
Song titles have to grab your attention in just a few words, so they make great blog post titles, because, well, ditto:-)
First few seconds I thought "mmmm, I'm hot & thirsty". So literal headed of me I'm afraid.
Here from micheles today
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Though I'd come check you out too :)
Michele sent me to bother you at lunch, Carmi.
My first impression--and it still lingers--is that your picture is of a knee in the middle with the upper and lower parts being the rest of the leg clad in anti-thrombotic stockings. Since my boss is a surgeon, I see a lot of pictures like that.
By the way, is that a real winecooler, Carmi? I've not seen one in over a decade. Usually the drinks that look like winecoolers are malt beverages. They're not bad but I'd much rather have coolers made with wine.
Would you believe Michele sent me back? We are destined, I guess.
My first thought was "What is that?" closely followed by "I like the color and sense of light" and finally by "you drank a pink wine cooler??" Well, you asked. :-)
It's a cool photo. I like the lines.
Michele says hi!
ARP. The sculptor...These curves are sort of like an Arp...
Thank you dear Carmi for your very loving comment. You always touch me with YOUR very generous heart. Wish you could be here, my dear.
Boones farm. In the summer.
My sister and I like to make up random song titles too. In a conversation, we say something completely comical and f&*ked up and say, "Now *that* is a good song title" while hysterically peeing our pants. :)
Happy Canada Day, eh.
Pretty in pink? It's very sensual. I didn't know what it was at first either. I thought it was something technical!
Hi Carmi, Michele sent me.
I think that songs are great titles because they string us together. They cite a part of our common cultures - often even across generations and nations.
On your image, for some reason I saw just the words pink and jazz and this looked like a dancer's leg at first to me. I couldn't figure it out. And thanks for telling me what I was looking at!
ok, it might be just me, but the curvy of that bottle reminds me of the song "fat bottom girls" by Queen for some reason.
happy canada day, carmi! (a few hours early)
michele sent me on this visit.
I was going along the leggy route too. The curves are great. Happy flag waving tomoorw and Hiya Michele sent me!
Well, because it's pink, I thought of girls. I'm weird that way. It's a lovely photo, per usual. You do have a way with words...and pictures!
Stopping by via Michele's today. Happy Canada Day!
I'm not shocked that you consume alcohol. I'm shocked that you drink wine coolers! From one who enjoys a good beer, a good whiskey and a good wine on the right occassions. I like the backlit photo!
I thought the picture was of something risque--at first--but then as I looked closer, made out the bottle and reflection.
I'm not shocked that you consume alcohol. I'm shocked that you drink wine coolers! From one who enjoys a good beer, a good whiskey and a good wine on the right occassions. I like the backlit photo!
I thought the picture was of something risque--at first--but then as I looked closer, made out the bottle and reflection.
Here from Michele.
My first thought? Look at that. The back lighting not only throws a shadow but gives the shadow a central pink tinge too. Cool.
Okay, so this is my "Michele" visit and it still looks like a cosmo. Lucky me, it is now 6:58 p.m. might time and I'm free to suck one or two or three...down.
Here from Michele.
My first thought? Look at that. The back lighting not only throws a shadow but gives the shadow a central pink tinge too. Cool.
I thought Yum, wish I had one! & then, no, no, you have to wait 'til the 4th! I use song titles a lot I'm afraid, they just seem to apply to what I'm thinking about. Here from Micheles.
pink stockings... tho i dont know how because when you look at it longer, thats the oddest looking leg i ever saw!!!
song titles = a bunch of crazy words thrown together which best describes the way your feeling at that moment - it only happens when your in the moment, tho, right?
Great blog - i totally love it! very open and bright and interesting!
Michele sent me - from Australia!
i thought it was an artificial joint of some sort - a knee?
Devo! Are we not men, we are Devo. I actually saw them perform in Denver in the last 70's. With the funny red plastic plant container hats. They were bizarre.
The first thing I thought of looking at that photo was "Oh, I'm thirsty". I actually had a sip of water before I read further. So, good job.
I often pick song titles or lyrics for blog titles too. I think sometimes it's what draws people to read a particular post.
very creative photo - totally cool
man -- they just don't have groups like devo anymore.
men without hats was pretty cool too
Gotta say I didnt picture you drinking a pretty pink wine cooler either (not that theres anything wrong with that). Looks refreshing though. The picture somehow reminds me of a ballet slipper... not sure why I've never even taken ballet!
Here from Michele's
I think song titles make interesting blog post titles because so many of us recognize them from the song so it intrigues us enough to read the post.
You are probably getting sick of my visits as well from Michele. hahahaha Although I never tire of visiting your site.
well i suck at blog titles. sometimes i think i should shut up and post photos ;-)
here via micheles :)
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