14 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Hi Carmi, I explain it like this: I'm not a leader, but I'm not a follower either. I'm a party of one.
Great shot!
I wouldn't say I blaze my own trail so much as I wander around lost until I get to something that looks decent.
I consider myself a leader. Even before I began to build my own companies, I felt I was a leader and had some management positions.
If I'm dead set enough on something I feel strong conviction on, I will take my leadership to the "blaze the trail" option. Stubborn Texans! :)
BTW, I like the bird in the back, he's probably the only one that will see the important thing he didn't miss :)
What a great picture!! I would say that I pick a few close people and we walk together-a group cooperative if you will :)
Michele says hi!
hello from Michele.
I am a clone, I follow orders, evern really bad ones that evil orverlord are prone to give. What can I say it just the way I made :)
If you go in circles, it's a nonissue.
I've always blazed my own trail. Now I find myself in a career path that requires me to 'lead'. I am having a bit of trouble even acknowledging anybody following me. Tough footing.
Here via Michele again, C.
:) I like this photo :)
I guess I do a little bit of each leading, following, and blazing on my own.
It's just who I am :)
Im not a leader. I usually wander off on my own.
That's hilarious. I don't follow leaders well either.
Maybe it's a journalist thing?
I'm sort of like Colleen. I start out following, and then I take over the lead from the first in line (always believing I know how to do it better!)
Michele sent me again - as she is often wont to do!!
I seem to be following Michele's lead - she led me here again, Carmi!
I don't follow and if you are smart you won't let me lead.
I tend to be different then most.
here from Micheles but still a regular.
Here from Michele.
This picture is too funny. In our family pictures, especially the ones with all the cousins in them, my brother was always like this last little fellow. He definitely follows his own drummer, or opera director anyway. Me, sometimes I do a little of both. I can follow and it's comfortable. But when forced I can lead. It depends on the situation.
I would be the one in the back too, sidetracked by something interesting. I like to explore on my own, but I'm not too good to follow or too timid to lead.
Sing along with me now....."Here I come again....." via Michele, for the 3-4-5th time. LOL
I'm definitely not a follower. Why? Because its boring. Here via Michele today!
it's funny...sometimes i lead in a big way, other times i follow, and sometimes i am leading with others...
back from michele's
I'm usually the leader because it's nearly impossible to be a follower when no one wants the job of being the leader. It's a tough job.... :)
I lead and those that don't follow miss out on an important!!
good pix and good topic to follow it up! i think i am a little of each at times...
This is one of those photos that deserves to be hung up as a reminder of individuality.
I like to think I'm a leader...or at least independent.
how odd, I've never seen gull line up before.
i'm definitely the one in the back putting thought into what I'm walking into.
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