14 hours ago
A brief-yet-ongoing journal of all things Carmi. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reach for your mouse to click back to Google. But you'll be intrigued. And you'll feel compelled to return following your next bowl of oatmeal. With brown sugar. And milk.
Hey- I think that's my bathroom floor! Carmi, I think of you everytime I hear a story about exploding laptop batteries- which lately is quite often. The woman interviewed on ABC this morning was not as informative as you are in your interviews.
Brightness is always a little uplifting! I like sunshine streaming through a window...
Michele sent me.
You don't know me, but I happened upon your site after a visit to the site of our mutual friend, Library Squirrel. I love your photos, and I wholeheartedly agree with this post...sunshine doesn't just brighten a physical space, but my internal nooks and crannies as well. My absolute favourite shots of my children are these, in the bright sunshine that streams throught our skylights on even the coldest days of the year.
In the morning, we get a lot of sunlight in our kitchen. If the wood floors are clean, I love how the light bounces off it. If they're dirty, the sunlight isn't so appealing. (If it weren't for the family dog sucking up everything that hits the floor, they'd be dirty more often.)
BTW, Carmi you're the kindest blog commenter ever.
Lovely. The picture alone brings a smile to my face. The sushine, the warmth, the overall "feel-goodedness." (yes, I know that's not a word. It just makes me happy. The brighter the better.
I've always been directly affected by my surroundings. Bright or soothing colors in general do alter moods for me.
And I love a checkered floor esp. :)
This particular picture wasn't that brightening to me, primarily because of the dark areas on the upper left and right corners of the picture. Part of me wants to SEE the sun itself, I guess.
Ugh - it reminds me that I need to mop my floor. :)
I have always found that bright sunshine, in any form or fashion, raises my spirits. It works in pictures, too. Nice shot.
I always love the play of light and shadow. It doesn't matter if it is on an emply floor, or on cats chasing a sunbeam in their sleep. So, final answer: Yes, sunlight lifts the spirits.
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