If you've followed my side life as a tech analyst, you may recall I've been quoted in Betanews a number of times over the past couple of years. I've long enjoyed working with this organization because it's got deep techie roots, doesn't pander to its audience, and gives me a chance to explore topics more thoroughly than most other outlets. It's intelligent tech media, period.
My ultimate goal is to be a regular contributor to as many tech media as is humanly possible, so I'm pleased to report I'm one step closer today. Starting today, I'm publishing a new twice-weekly column in Betanews. It's entitled Wide Angle Zoom, and I'll be exploring the big picture issues that matter the most in the tech industry. Here's the first piece:
Five Vista perception problems Windows 7 must overcome
Hope you enjoy the read(s)!
1 day ago
Most excellent! Good on ya big guy. Betanews is lucky to have you on board.
New column, clever title, great writing (as always) AND informative too...(not to mention a lovely picture, Mr. L)...thanks for the share, this goes into Bookmarks! Well done, Carmi!
Betanews? Betanews?
Poor,poor Carmi. I hate to tell you this, but.... No one uses Beta anymore. You should try writing for VHS news. I think you would find a larger audience.
Oh, wait a minute.....apparently VHS isn't the popular mode of entertainment it once was.
O.K., try CD news. I hear all the kids today are using CD's. If you write for this medium, you will be hip and happening.
Oh, just a minute,.... what do you mean CD's are so five minutes ago, now it's memory stick?
Forget it, just use telepathy, it's only a matter of time....
good name for the column
wide angle zoom...
Klattu being silly ALMOST threw me off
speaking of Off, I am off to read some of what you wrote
( too much tech clogs my brain pores)
Good stuff. Although I am very happy with my macs, there was a time when Windows was my world. However, as I moved away from techie to end user, all I really want my machine to do is work and my Macs do that virtually every time without any issues. True, I have had an occasional glitch here and there, but nothing like always having to defend them from the constant onslaught of the outside world.
I miss my Windows every now and again, but it is rare. On the other hand, I absolutely LOVE MS Office.
Tanya sent me over - glad she did.
Good Article I may just have to find a machine to try it on, but I don't wanna run it on my 24/7 box just yet.
Hey, Carmi! Thanks a bunch for the comment. I've been a major slacker when it comes to blogging/reading blogs. Good to see you're still active, though. I hope your family is well.
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