Mirrors, mirrors, on the walls
Minneapolis, MN, February 2011
Whether we're on the outside looking in or the inside looking out, it's a safe bet that windows play a significant role in the way we see the world and how we feel while we're doing it. Their very optical properties have always amazed and challenged me as as photographer. Think about it: on a bright day, I can't see inside these tinted and glazed surfaces, yet someone standing inside can easily see me. Turn day to night and it's an entirely different story.
Which is my way of challenging you to spend the next week sharing your own diverse views of life through glass. You can hit up the same window at different times, or walk the 'hood and see what you find. As always, how you choose to interpret a theme is entirely up to you.
Your turn: New to Thematic? In a nutshell, Thematic Photographic is our weekly photo-sharing adventure. I post a new theme - in this case, windows - and my lovely visitors (you!) post pictures that reflect the theme on your blog. Then, return here and leave a comment letting folks know where to find it. Visit other participants and share, share, share. For more background, click here. Know the ropes? Don't let me stop you. I can't wait to see what y'all come up with!
One look at this week's theme subject and I had to go digging for these shots from San Francisco.
Windows are a favorite of mine.
Windows in the "Big City" can be fantastic... to look up at... to look through...
Here's my pics
Here's what I thought of when I saw the theme for this week.
I so agree about windows and mirrors! My last 3 posts have been about just that topic. Here is the link to last post. Check out older posts to see the series.
Hmmm.... I did a post on this theme back in November. Here's the URL if anyone wants to see it:
Hi Carmi,
I've been so busy with university that I haven't taken the time to stop by. I love your theme this week... if time permits I'll see if I can get in a few shots. No promises though, it's finals week.
I love your photo, but it sure makes me want to go on a road trip and get out of the city for a while.
Have an awesome weekend! Cheers.
Here is a photo of a possessed cat, staring into a window.
Love the reflections of the alternate buildings.
Even though it's an old post, I couldn't resist sharing this - http://photo-bunny.blogspot.com/2010/04/97-365-building-reflection.html. I found it to be such an intriguing view.
I have a new lens arriving tomorrow so I'll have to see what I can scare up in the way of windows.
I really like your photo today. I love the various lines and reflections.
need to reflect on that for a while, Carmi
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
You picked another one to make me think on!
New York and an English church contain my Windows at http://bobscotney.blogspot.com/2011/04/windows-thematic-photography.html
A few months ago one of Carmi's posts inspired me to take my camera to the mall.
My windows are here.
Your photo today is lovely - all of the patterns in the reflections look fantastic!
Here is an unexpected "through the window" picture I took today.
Here is my link:
I love this week's theme!
I can't take credit for these, as they are my husband's photos but I do love them...
http://phillcouper.aminus3.com/image/2011-02-24.html (this one is awesome. I was driving at the time. Does that count?) :)
one from a series I still haven't posted and quite different from most of what I do... http://unlessyougotlostonpurpose.blogspot.com/2011/04/inside-looking-out.html
The ONLY thing I like about modern buildings is the glass. I have a bunch of photos of windows and glass. I'm going to have to dig a bit. Great idea!
My last set for this theme.
oh this will be fun, our city has such a glorious array of windows that i can spend half my time staring at them...instead of doing what i came to town for!
I know exactly where this lovely spot in downtown Minneapolis is too! Finally here is my first post for this week, but I skipped the very classy and glassy Mpls. spots!
Late to the party with windows that have seen a LOT of history.... and still going.
more views of, and through, windows
Two things from one picture came to mind for Windows. Thank you, Carmi, for gathering us all here to share our worlds. Great fun.
One last hurrah on the windows theme before this week wraps up!
This post reminded me of Jack Lemmon in the hilarious comedy, "That's Life", where he plays an architect and says, "Why can't the building materials themselves be beautiful, for God's sake!" True. The Pan Am (now Met Life) building in lower Manhattan was hated in 1963 when it was built. I visited it in 1999 and found it incredible with the most beautiful lobby!
I have tons of windows photos and never got a chance to go thru my library this week.
But here is a post, before we get on to a new theme!
I hope you like it!
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